Outpost Zimonja – expanded and adjusted

Fallout 4 Mods |

Outpost Zimonja – expanded and adjusted

So, this one has been tricky, but I managed to expand the zone in a way, that isn’t ridiculous and working also !

I have focussed on the small corridor, leading into the settlement area and made it wide enough, to expand the border to make the zone almost rectangular.

The other main change is the expansion towards the rocky side e.g. the highway, so you won’t have to put ridiculous amounts of concrete shack foundations to place your turrets and secure this side/border.

No changes have been made to the main cell, so like always with my mods: No known issues, no cell reset.

The only thing that you should keep in mind: When maxing out the limits towards the Highway, you will slightly go under it, so that there might be a way for attackers to enter from abovre – to prevent this, simply build a corner, that let’s enough space.

I have not tested if settlers are using the additional zones to the fullest, but since that’s the case for all the other expansions I did, it should be fine.

Credits: Eysenbeiss
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