Old Dogmeat

Fallout 4 Mods |

Old Dogmeat

Thought Dogmeat was looking a bit young so I added a few years! Also gave him Heterochromia iridis, because why not!

I’d love to get some pics of other wastelanders and their Olddog! Please submit some if you are up for it!

In order to get this retexture to work you have to change:
sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\ to
sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\

in the Fallout4.ini file located in documents/My Games/Fallout 4

For the Mod to work, first create this file structure inside of the Data folder located in Fallout 4 main folder.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Fallout 4\Data\Textures) CREATE Textures Folder inside DATA.
Then simply drag the unzipped folder into the Data folder located in Fallout 4 Main folder

If you do not want this Eye variant, don’t extract “dogmeat_eyes_d”.

Credit to emil1213 for his mod and helping me to understand how to load Textures for testing. + for the how to ^^

Credits: kirkieball
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