Nuka Cola Relabelled

Fallout 4 Mods |

Nuka Cola Relabelled

This mod changes the textures for the four nuka cola items in the game, mainly their labels.

Nuka Cola: New Label that circles the bottle and is brighter red for easy identification
Nuka Cola Cherry: New white Label circles the bottle. Specular reduced, red color of bottle increased, adds subtle red glow
Nuka Cola Quantum: New label, now with no tears. Name is larger
Nuka Cola Bottle (Empty): Makes the bottle color bluer, changes the env map to bronze, circle label like Nuka Cola but faded for best contrast.

All bottles have labels in identical places, so they all match up. These bottles are actually using a modified Quantum mesh. One of the triangle groups was removed, so it will come with a negligible increase in performance


The Nuka Cola and Cherry bottles have “badge” labels that I think look ugly, they also don’t match the quantum label. So I made them all the same. Previously the badges were only on one side. In many situations the bottle faces away from the player, so you can barely tell what they were. And the color was quite similar to other bottles in some lighting conditions. This mod makes it clear which are the Nuka Cola bottles.


NikSkope for mesh editing and copying. (please note the json textures will crash current version of nifscope)
Gibbed tools for converting textures to json format for easy editing
Gimp 2.0 for texture exporting
PSP 9.0 for texture editing

***Bethesda Bug***
The Nuka Cola Quantum Label by default has an incorrect normal map. The normal refers to the bottle normal, which results in a lumpy label. Pretty sure this is not intended.

Marked as not lore friendly due to pristine labels and altered labels from in-game posters.

Credits: nutcrackr
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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