Nuclear Ammo

Fallout 4 Mods |

Nuclear Ammo

What this mod does: It adds an ammo slot for Ballistic weapons at the weapon workbench. This slot uses up one of the legendary mods on the weapon. It adds the Nuclear ammo to your weapon.

When you fire the weapon the ammo will explode on contact and do damage and explosion animation/sound of a nuke.

Why use this mod?: Ever just wanted to create chaos, or wonder what it’s like to fire nukes from a Minigun 🙂 Now you can. I made this mod because of my brother asking me “Imagine fire Fat Boy ammo from a Minigun.”

Things to Know: This mod works like “Special Ammo by Velax”
The mod just adds the effect to the weapon so you still use the normal ammo you collect for you guns (10mm, .308).
This only effects ballistic type weapons.

Installation: Follow this Guide

Compatibility: I’ve tested it with Velax’s Special Ammo and as far as I can tell there is no problems.

Recommended Mods: Special Ammo by Velax

Credit- Thanks to Velax and his Special ammo mod.

Credits: Kalista33
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