NorthlandDiggers Crafting – Resources – Jobs

Fallout 4 Mods |

NorthlandDiggers Crafting – Resources – Jobs

When i was working on my other mod.I thought if only i had more jobs for the settlers. So i did some testing just for fun. In the end this was the result.
New working tables. 1 Settler per table, after 24h some nifty resouces will show up on the table. All for you! There is 50/50 chance you get either resources that table produce. For example you will get either copper or circuits.

Please note:
Aas a father to a toddler, time between each update will take some time.Im trying my best to mod whenever i can. 😛
This mod was created using Nifskope and Fo4Edit
Install with NMM
Check out my other mod Northland – placeable grass,trees,vines,stone,birds etc

Requests and Ideas:
Clockworkstation -A clockwork station for gears and spring
Butcher – Butcher for leather and ehm hmm meat perhaps or bones?
Nurse/Doctor office – Medicine crafting
Ammo Junkie – Crafts ammo
Bar – YES who can call themself northman if they havent got a bar! also bottle display!!
Barmaid –
Bar dancer –
Bar Singer –
I’m the Scatman! – Got settler who cant shut up? this is the perfect job, for them.
provides +2 Defence due to settlers non stop talking about strategy and whereabouts of anything!
Automatic – Stores directly to workshop storage
Botanist – takes care of some flowers wich can be used to make medicinal thingies
Rokk\Karde – Tools to make cloth and cutton yarn
Next update 1.2:
Yup even more work stations, some even gives happiness. No not every one has a table 😛
Still need to sort out bugs, and what not. Until we can make costom animasjon i have to use the ones within the game.
Heres some what appear in next update, bigger picture in gallery…. Uploading more when they have been tested. 4 new stations.

Undertaker – Yes the job is horrible, but atleast you have place mourn over the fallen settlers. Gain +25 Happiness
Sandpit – for the kids +10 Happiness (yes adults can play here too 😛 ) – this from my Northland mod, but it fits perfect here too.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Now let me plant for you! – For us with green thumbs the botanist will plant and harvest flora resources for your medicinal crafting something something. its plants!


Resources\Misc Resources\
Heavy Metal – Steel or Aluminium
Oh so shiny thingies – Copper or Circuits
Nuclear Waste – Nuclear Material or Acid
Hammertime – Concrete or Ceramic
Forester – Wood or Fertilizer
Compatibility & other issues:
Ghost or collision bug- Its an old bug from the release days. remember the crop bug? its the same old bug.
there is a workaround this. store the object and place it down again. untill this crop bug is fixed this will have to do for now.
Pricetag? – Some like it dirt cheap (1wood) and some dont, We are all diffrent. Idea was you have to work alittle to get enough materials to construct it. And not place every one at once. Feedback would be nice 🙂
Homemaker, AS and the Settlement keywords? – Works great!
Cant scrap it! – Its true, since this is based of flora harvest system. It works the same way you can store them however.
* Please if you see a issue,let me know so i could make it better or fix it. Love it hate it? Tell me, it will only help me grow to be a better mod auther *

Translated Versions:
Translated to German – By Dividus

Update log:

1.1a – Fixed a huge nasty bug that prevented the player to harvest some resources
1.1 – More tables,texture,bug fixing
1.0 – First launch hooray

Credits: ludvig08
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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