Nobody Wanted It

Fallout 4 Mods |

Nobody Wanted It

Sanctuary Player Home Repaired

New roof collision, allows tall cabinets to be placed in the house, but the camera clips into the attic. Though it doesn’t rain in the house an material wetness shouldn’t happen unless we leave the house while raining, so just save an main menu, load the save if it gets wet inside. It was kind of a trade off until the GECK comes out. The camera gets on my nerves, but since the rain an tall cabinets work, it was kept like that. The medicine cabinet was switched out for one the player owns an set to not re-spawn. Other mods could also change the cabinet in which case you would have two, the one I placed isn’t scrap-able though so just scrap the other if another mod adds one. Causes cell reset, but you should have that everywhere in the wasteland by now from other mods. Get craftable power armor frame to fix it. Genius…

Organic XP 4.3 Version 7 Beta

5 Main File Options With 2 Optional Add On’s

Our theory is that FO4 doesn’t feel as good of a game as it should feel due in small part to basic RPG psycology. Adding more Arcade/Action/Shooter/Theme-park/BigBoss an supporting Hero Complex game design theory, upon what used to be a watered down TES simulation type game. There is nothing wrong with those game design elements, however as gamers we focus more on organic design an the feel of the game in that reguard. Which hopefully you didn’t notice is horribly broken, LOL.

– Optional Files –

Well Rested.esp (Optional) – Sets the well rested perk to a 25% bonus that lasts for just over 1 hour of gameplay. Created to fit into multiple time scales, 5/10/20, an make up for lost XP from removal of XP bonus given at 3% for each Intelligence S.P.E.C.I.A.L. primary stat.

Tough Lock Picking (Optional) – Used to support increased rewards for picking locks. Also makes picking locks more realistic.

– Main File Read Meh –

– Defined XP Table Settings –

Base + (Bump x Level)= Level Requirement
200 + (75 x Level)= FO4 Vanilla XP Table

– Main File Options –

1000 + (750 x Level) = Same x5 ratio an progression as FO3/FNV
1000 + (375 x Level) = Same x5 ratio an progression as FO4
500 + (375 x Level) = Halfed FO3/FNV
375 + (250 x Level) = 250 Bump with matching base
200 + (150 x Level) = FO3/FNV Table

I included both a FO3/FNV and FO4 version, the two highest in order to allow you to pick a side between FO3/FNV settings an FO4 updated faster pacing, but at a x5 table to match rewards, thus keeping the game similar to what the professionals came up with for the game’s progression. Then two reductions based on the FO3/FNV a halfed an 250 bump version of that.

The most fun in testing is the 200/150 which is what Fallout 3 launched with, New Vegas also used it, an it was kind of broken in those games due to the level 30 an level 50 vanilla max level, it feels really good in FO4 for some odd reason. However it’s not balanced, hence I actually use the 1000/750 or the 1000/375 to either keep the same progression ratio or increase it’s bump by double.

– Defined Reward Settings –

Workshop/Workbench/Cooking Rewards – Set to 125 XP max, but items vary from 0-125. In order to standarize Crafting XP an half the accidental 250 XP amount which felt really good. Limited by resources, avoids exploiting, assists players in leveling, an makes it more friendly to players that hate crafting.

Basic kill XP Reward – set at 25 XP with anything above that using Bethesda’s settings that are locked until release of the GECK.

Dialog/Lock/Trap XP Rewards – set to 25, 50, 100, 200 included tougher lock picking to support the increased reward and be realistic.

Hacking Rewards – use Bethesda’s settings multiplied by 5, an ??? locked until the release of the GECK.

Quest Rewards – use Bethesda’s settings multiplied by 5, and kept that way to assist players into the higher levels.

Credits: Kimberj
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