No More Washed Out Wasteland – NMWOW – ReShade – SweetFX

Fallout 4 Mods |

No More Washed Out Wasteland – NMWOW – ReShade – SweetFX

Realistic & Vibrant SweetFX Preset using ReShade


I found the vanilla game to be, in my opinion, washed out with too much ambient light, pale shadows, weak light sources, fuzzy textures and an ugly yellow tint/haze.

– Big visual improvement small performance hit
– Removes yellow tint/haze
– Sharpens textures and smooths edges
– Reduces ambient light
– Darkens shadows
– Increases light source warmth/bloom
– Check images for before and after screen shots

Hardcore version with dark and perilous nights now available!


Unpack the four files from the archive to your Fallout 4 installation directory – where your Fallout4.exe is located.

Toggle: Press the Scroll Lock key to toggle the effect on and off

Removal: Delete files – SweetFX, dxgi.dll, dxgi.log, ReShade.fx and Sweet.fx

Tweak: Go to your Fallout 4 installation directory and open SweetFX then SweetFX_settings.txt


There are currently two versions available:

NMWOW – Original Version

The original version aims to make the game world more vibrant and detailed. To make colours more balanced and eye-catching, textures smooth yet sharp and clear. To increase contrast between light and dark and remove the yellow tint that washes out the game world. You will find the overall look of the world clearer and more vivid with less focus on yellows and greens. You will see a bigger contrast between day and night. Shadows will be deep and dark. Ambient light will be reduced and a bright, warm glow will emit from any source of light.

NMWOW – Hardcore Version

The hardcore version takes things a step further for people that like a darker, more atmospheric experience and don’t mind the odd jump-scare. The contrast between dark and light is more pronounced with deep dark nights. Visibility at night is greatly reduced, so inspection of every doorway, ally and dark corner with your trusty Pip-Boy or Power Armor light is highly recommended. Avoid the excess strain on the ol’ ticker that a surprise attack from a feral ghoul who played dead too well or a pesky mole rat skulking in the darkness may well induce.

I hope you enjoy your No More Washed Out Wasteland!

Thanks for checking out my mod and feel free to head on over to the comment section whether to discuss your opinions, like, dislikes, bugs and issues about the mod or even just to tell me what you ate for dinner last night =D


Mod configured by WestonG
ReShade by Crosire
SweetFX by

Credits: WestonG
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