No more Turret Alarms

Fallout 4 Mods |

No more Turret Alarms

No Turret Alarm sounds


If a turrent is active and aquires no more targets, a sound is queued indicating it switched to standby mode. I think this sound doesn’t make sense and only lowers the difficulty.

Annoying sound indeed

My mod replaces 4 sound files related to this issue with silence. No other turrets sounds like e.g. shooting or spinning up are removed.

Manual Installation:

Extract the .rar file and copy the contained folder to your Fallout 4\Data directory.

To uninstall remove

AMB_Int_Alarm_Generic_2D_01_LPM.wav from Sound\FX\Interiors\Alarmgeneric
OBJ_Turret_Alarm_Warning_01.xwm from Sound\FX\OBJ\TurretAlarm
OBJ_Turret_Alarm_Warning_02.xwm from Sound\FX\OBJ\TurretAlarm
OBJ_Turret_Alarm_Warning_03.xwm from Sound\FX\OBJ\TurretAlarm

Update 1.1:

While playing a bit with 1.0, I noticed there were still some “alarm state off” turret sounds untouched. I fixed it with this update.
Please let me know if you encounter any more.

Credits: nomosoko
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