No Fall Damage

Fallout 4 Mods |

No Fall Damage

This simple mod just zeroes out fall damage for the player! Jump off rooftops and cliffs all you like, you won’t take any damage.

NPCs and enemies, however, will, because otherwise you couldn’t push them out of windows and what fun would that be?

To Install Mods for Fallout 4

1. Edit your Fallout4Prefs.ini
The Fallout4Prefs.ini is in “Documents/My Games/Fallout 4”.
Open it and under the section [Launcher] add “bEnableFileSelection=1”.
Right click Fallout4Prefs.ini, select Properties, and tick the Read Only box. Fallout 4 likes to refresh and reset this file all the time, including whenever you enter the options menu. Selecting read only will prevent any changes to this file. Note that this will prevent you from changing your graphics options unless you deselect the read only box, at which point you will have to re-enter “bEnableFileSelection=1”


2. Edit your plugins.txt

The plugins.txt is in “Users\[YourUser]\AppData\Local\Fallout4”.
Add “NoFallDamage.esp” under “Fallout4.esm”.

3. Put the esp(s) of your choice inside the SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data folder

4. Enjoy!

Credits: The Iron Rose
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