Never-Break Power Armor

Fallout 4 Mods |

Never-Break Power Armor

No need to gather components to repair Power Armors over and over and over again!

Now Power Armors are superbly Godly!!

Get this and make your character bring justice to Commonwealth!!!
or, wreak havoc…

Never-Break Power Armor!!!!!!!

* Table of Contents *

1. Intro
2. Description
3. Changes with this mod
4. Mod Test and results
5. Installation and Load Order
6. Credits
7. Update Plans
8. Updates
1. Intro

There are many mods related to Power Armor durability changes. and this mod is one of them.

I made this mod as a personal usage. But why not to release this to everyone?

Surely some of you are playing Fallout 4 mods with these changes metioned above. And this mod could be seen as a ripoff or something.

I am fully aware of that. But the reason I am releasing this mod is that mine is a bit different than other similar mods out there.

Just think of my mod as ‘815 Cola’ of all the Cola brands out there.
(It’s a metaphor. google 815 Cola and look for the images section if you don’t know what that is.)

I described further details in the following chapters as much detailed as I could, so bear with me if I somehow get you confused a bit. Thank you. 😀

2. Description
This mod makes it certain that Power Armor durability never goes down the initial state(fully repaired state).

This means that you don’t have to worry about gathering junks for repairing them.

However, if you activate this mod in the middle of a play-through and you got some Power Armors that was/were not fully repaired, they stay where they were before.

They don’t automatically repair themselves. In this case, you need components to repair them. After that, no more.

Note that the enemy and potential followers also benefit from this mod, if they wear Power Armors, so be warned.

They will be a bit tougher and harder to kill.

If you want to affect PC only, use this mod:

– by vays


If you want to affect all NPCs, use this mod:

– by g10stpd

If somehow things doesn’t work right, let me know in either Bugs section or Comments section. I’ll try to fix.

3. Changes with this mod

3.1. PowerArmorPreventArmorDamageKeyword

– Keywords settings for Power Armor durability degrading.
– originally applied to Paladin Danse. Same keyword added to Player ID(00000007).
– only applies to Player Character.
=> if this setting is added to all the possible followers, namely Piper, the face gets screwed, probably a side effect caused by
a tool that is used(FO4Edit), which is still in early-alpha stage. (this sentence is written in 22nd of Jan. 2016.)

3.2. fPowerArmorNPCArmorDamageMultiplier

– Global settings for Power Armor durability degrading.
– set to 0 (3 as default)
– doesn’t apply to Player character.
– seems that NPC PA durability decreases to some degree even if set to 0. further detail listed below.

4. Mod Test and results

4.0. Condition

– player and Piper(following player) in testing space(qasmoke)
– player wearing X-01 Power armor, Piper wearing T-60 Power armor. Both in initial state(rusty variants)
– Both Power armors fully repaired, but not upgraded.
– 25 Legendary raiders(wielding various firearms ranging from pipe rifle to Missile Launcher) and 5 ‘Boomer’s(named raider. wielding Fat Man)
spawned at each session, same amount.
– Each session(6 in total) tested between 60~80 seconds(1st~3rd sessions), 120~140 seconds(4th and 5th sessions), and God-Knows-How-Long(probably over 10 minutes. last session).
– After each session power armors are checked to see if durability is changed.
– If durability is changed, repair them again.

4.1. Result 01(Player PA durability)

– didn’t degrade one bit at the end of every session. stayed at full durability.

4.2. Result 02(NPC PA durability)

– durability decreased same amount at the end of every session. strange.
– Torso decreased from 440 to 428.
– the other parts decreased from 110 to 107.
– resulting durability is the same no matter how long I tested, even after 10-minute-ish session. Very strange.
4.3. Conclusion

– Player PA durability didn’t change one bit.
– NPC PA durability changed. but after reaching certain point, didn’t change any further.
– The reason of NPC PA durability changes might be another mod I was using, but I am not certain.
– I should’ve included a condition like “no mods except this mod”. god…
– Oh, and I installed latest beta patch when testing this mod. damn… I’m not very good at this.
– After all, NPC Power Armor didn’t break. It is a depressing result, but what the hell, it didn’t break anyways. That’s a good thing, right? *weeps*

5. Installation and Load Order
It is fairly simple. just extract the zip file and copy and paste the esp file in following location:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\


Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\

or just

[wherever]\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\

depending on your location for Steam folder.

After that, enable the plugin through NMM or similar tool.
further instruction can be found here:

For the Load Order, I recommend you to place my mod after all the plugins related to Power Armors.
But in theory, it should have no compatibility issues. But, well, just for the sake of stability, know what I’m sayin’? 😀

Personally, I placed mine at the very bottom of the load order, right after More Spawns mod.

Generally, at least in Bethesda Game Studio games, the lower the order the more priority it gets.
In other words, if there are several mods which have same settings that have changed(mild conflict), the lowest one takes the priority.
it works like this in Bethesda Game Studio games.
6. Credits

6.1. Bethesda Game Studio for making Fallout 4. I love you. ♡

6.2. Nexus user ‘vays’ for making No power armor durability loss –

6.3. Nexus user ‘g10stpd’ for making Companion and NPC Power Armor Damage Reduction –

6.4. Two Nexus users(‘vays’ and ‘g10stpd’) are listed because their works gave me an idea to make this mod in the first place.

7. Update Plans

For now, there are no plans to update or expand, unless there are some bugs that needs to be fixed.
But when I think of something interesting, I’ll try to learn about making it happen.

8. Updates

Details are in the Readme section.
Make sure you read them if you’re interested.
Have fun, and enjoy my mod!

Credits: BMDD
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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