More Miniguns

Fallout 4 Mods |

More Miniguns

More Miniguns
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first mod!

Are you tired of the nominal damage of the in-game Minigun, but love concept?
Fear no more! This mod adds 3 real life guns to Fallout 4, and 1 Legendary Minigun!

Guns Added
XM214 Microgun
Hau Quing Minigun
Orien Armament’s Maxgun ★


1. GAU-19 “.50”

Originally called the GECAL 50, the GAU-19 is manufactured by General Dynamics. The GAU-19 is chambered in .50 BMG, and is used by several countries including Colombia, Japan, Mexico, Oman, and the United States. Uses for the GAU-19 include Humvees, Ospreys, and the Mexican MDH MD-902 helicopter.

Base Stats
Damage: 95
Ammo Type: .50
Fire Rate: 141
Range: 179
Accuracy: 53
Weight: 120

2. XM214 Microgun

Also known as the GE Six Pack, this minigun never fully made it into full production. Originally designed for aircrafts, but was later converted into a man-portable weapon. While chambered in the NATO 5.56x54mm the XM214 boasts a 6,000 – 10,000 Rounds Per Minute. Though with a smaller minigun, the ammo capacity suffers. The Microgun holds a Pint-sized 250 Rounds, due to its “infantry-utilization.”

Base Stats
Damage: 12
Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Fire Rate: 327
Range: 131
Accuracy: 47
Weight: 40

3. Hau Quing Minigun
In a vast attempt to quash a growing terrorism problem, China developed a minigun you could mount on Dune Buggies. This almost farcical minigun is chambered in 7.62x54mmR. Developed by the Russians, the 7.62x54mmR is a round that has been used for over 122 years. This round is used in guns like the Winchester 1895, SVT-40/SVT-38, Dragunov Sniper Rifle, PKM, and the extremely mass produced Mosin Nagant.

Base Stats
Damage: 17
Ammo Type: .308 Round
Fire Rate: 272
Range: 131
Accuracy: 47
Weight: 64

4. Orien Armament’s Maxgun ★

To view the whole story, click “Show” below!

*Orien Armament was founded in 1961, after William “Willy-O” Orien Griffin SR. came back from his military tour in Europe. Being one of the youngest Sergeants in Europe, Sgt. Griffin was a small arms instructor for the United States Military. In the military, Sgt Griffin befriended 3 IRA (Irish Republican Army) High-Ranking Officials. Although the IRA hoped for Germany’s help in fighting Britain. The IRA had split decisions on their view of the United States, adding lasting ties in the USA. Upon leaving the military, Sgt. Griffin began an electric company. Willy-O started to produce weapon in his spare time, crafting automatic rifles, capable of firing different .30 caliber cartridges. Mr. Griffin SR. kept his production a secret, producing black market weapons solely for his contacts in the IRA.

Following the division of the Irish Republican Army, William decided to end his black market operations, in an attempt to focus more on his family. Adversely, he began a steady problem with alcohol, becoming a stereotypical and aggressive Irish drunk. His vice forced his family into hard times, while his wife supported the children financially, domestically, and emotionally. Finally in 1977, he cleaned up, and began focusing on the love-of-his-life, Sheila; and his 3 children Kim, Bill, and Debbie. He restarted his electric business, but was not successful. William decided to turn to the gunsmith industry, this time, legitimately.

Although missing the gun manufacturing boom of Vietnam, his business was a huge boom. He gained contracts with new defense companies, cashing-in huge profits. Willy-O kept this a tight secret, stashing away over 90% of his money. His family, and the entire world, believed he was only a small business owner. Willy-O began to tinker with electric and guns, very frequently. He sought to improve upon the famous Gatling gun, due to a increasing fascination with his family history. During the Civil War of 1861, Griffin’s Confederate ancestors were the first to steal a Gatling gun from the Union, to aid their fellow rebels in Virginia.

The Maxgun was a well kept secret until William’s death in March of 2012. Production of Willy’s Maxgun never saw full production, until William SR.’s son stumbled across blueprints of the prototype. Retired Firefighter William “Billy” Orien Griffin JR. began his improving the design by in using an experimental metal alloy Ti2–12Al–8V-Pu. Giving the gun a blue glow, and high durability were the unique features of the alloy. Another addition he made to the original design was a speed barrel capable of increased speeds. The gun managed to throw lead at upwards of 6,500 RPM. Ol’ Billy (as he was called in the latter of his life) patented the metal, then began to produce prototypes of the Maxgun. He founded the company Orien Armament, in the honor of his family heritage. The United States Marine Corps caught wind of the prototypes, and contracted OA to produce the Maxgun for infantry. The USMC was very impressed, with the gun and contracted the production of 10,000 Maxguns. Although the USMC had over 10,000 models, the gun was only used it in 10 operations spanning over 7 years.

Mr. Griffin JR.’s son later became President and Owner of Orien Armaments, while following his father’s other footsteps, becoming a professional firefighter. Brody hired his most trusted friends to run the majority of his company, leaving him with much more time to enjoy life. Tinkering with his family’s creations, he developed the Incendiary version of the Maxgun, producing severe burning damage, while turning the enemy into a block of Swiss Cheese. Only 3 guns were ever produced, and appear to be lost to time. Each gun was shipped to a different region of the United States. One of the guns were rumored to have been shipped to General Atomics International, in an attempt to bolster military contracts.

Base Stats
Damage: 12 Physical + 15 Fire Damage
Ammo Type: 5.56 Round
Fire Rate: 259
Range: 131
Accuracy: 47
Weight: 40

How To Obtain
At the moment, new guns are only obtainable through Console Command.
This will be reconciled once GECK comes out.
the item IDs are as follows (xx indicates the load order number in hexadecimal eg. 2C268400, 2C being the load order #)
GAU-19: xx268419
Hau Quing Minigun: xx268411
XM214 Microgun: xx268414
Orien Armament’s Maxgun: xx268400


(NMM): Install accordingly
(Manually): Drop the .ESP into the data folder and edit the plugins.txt

Here’s a link to an amazing video by Gopher if you need help: FALLOUT 4: Installing Mods using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) by Gopher

Plans for the Future
Add more weapons into the game
Changing Hau Quing from .308 to 7.62x54mmR (pretty sure I’m waiting until GECK comes out)
Creating unique textures and models for each weapon
Creating a “More Heavy Weapons” Mod
Creating a Quest to obtain all four weapons

Concluding Notes

Thank you all so much for viewing. I hope you enjoy the mod, and I look forward to all kinds of feedback. This is my first Mod produced for Nexus, as I have only created personal Skyrim Mods. If you have suggestions on how I can improve on my mod, I would love for you to comment. If anyone would like to use my weapons in their own mod or enhance my mod, feel free, but please credit me.

* Story contains some history, but is fictional. William O. Griffin SR., William O. Griffin JR., and Brody Orien Griffin are all real, people. Orien Armaments is a fictional company, and all events taken on behalf of Orien Armaments are strictly fabricated. If you have any question of what is fact or fiction, please feel free to contact me, as I will gladly explain.


None to my knowledge, as these are “standalone” weapons

Bethesda for making an amazing video game
FO4Edit PreRelease Alpha by Zilav
FALLOUT 4: Installing Mods using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) by Gopher
General Electric for making the XM214 Microgun in real life
General Dynamics for making the GAU-19
Xinhua Military for creating the Hau Quing
Nexus Mods for being Nexus
Finally the modding community for inspiring me to get better at modding, and filling me with passion.


Credits: ThatBroseph
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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