Mom Gear – Craftable Armor

Fallout 4 Mods |

Mom Gear – Craftable Armor

Mom Gear: Craftable Armor

Busty GRRL – CBBE – FBV Compatible armor

It’s not easy being a single mom in the Wasteland, am I right? Well, Tonic is here to help with Mom Gear. All the style a mom deserves, but with the functionality the Wasteland demands. Simply stroll over to the nearest Chem Crafting station and walk into a wonderland of Battle Fashion!

INCLUDES: Mom Overalls, Minutemen Suit, and BOS Underarmor MK2.

Mom Overalls are a Retex of Sturges’s overalls, Minutemen suit is a Vault suit retex, and the BOS MK 2 is a BOS retex with added Charisma fortification….cause it looks good!

I will continue to add any new armor I create to this mod so check back for updates now and again. Currently males just get Vanilla armors. This will be the first update. I’ll also listen to feedback on the crafting ingredients. Currently everything is fairly common and easy to obtain. You’ll likely already have it. My main goal was just to actually get it to work.

DOWNLOAD the file that matches your currently installed body. If you are still using the vanilla body than you’ll want to use the FVB/Vanilla file.

CBBE Bodyslide: If you wish to match a custom CBBE made with Bodyslide than follow things instructions.
Step One: Create your custom meshes of Vault Suit 111, and Sturges’ overalls. Remember to hold Ctrl when you create them so they’ll go straight to your Bodyslide installation folder. Than go to: Fallout4/Data/meshes/clothing/mom gear and drop each mesh in its corresponding folder:

Vaultsuit 111: Minutemen suit
Sturges: Mom Overalls

Next create your BOS Underarmor the same way but go to: Fallout4/Data/meshes/clothing/mom gear and drop the BOS mesh into KnightUnderArmor

You’re Done.

Are you puzzled by what all these letters mean?
tonicmole’s BUSTY GRRL
Leito86’s Enhanced Vanilla Bodies
Caliente’s CBBE Body replacer

Thanks mainly to me for being 110% Awesome. Also to Leito86 for all his help, to Caliente and the CBBE crew for making amazing tools, and as always my buddy UltimateZero.

Credits: tonicmole
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