Mojave Imports

Fallout 4 Mods |

Mojave Imports


You want some chems or beverages from the Mojave Wasteland ? Well, perhaps this mod is for you…
Thanks to the Mojave Express, you can now buy or find them, here, in the Commonwealth !

This mod add several items from Fallout New Vegas to Fallout 4. You can buy them from your favorite seller or find them anywhere the in Commonwealth.
In addition, this mod also contain some edits I did to the Nuka Cola bottles (more details below).

I will probably add new items from New Vegas with time. Just be patient.

Aside from the Nuka Cola Cherry and Quantum, this mod add a new items to the game.
No ressources have been imported from Fallout New Vegas.


Changes/Edits :
– All bottles of Nuka Cola now have a capsule with the brand written on it.
– All bottles of Nuka Cola now use the same environmap texture.
– [Optional] Nuka Cherry is now renamed “Nuka Cola Cherry” and has a new mesh/textures.
– [Optional] Nuka Cola Quantum has a new label inspired from Fallout 3/New Vegas.

New items :
– Fixer : Temporary removal of addictions for 2 min. Cost 20 Caps.
– Cateye : Low-light vision for 2 min. Cost 20 Caps.
– Nuka Cola Quartz : Low-light vision and 5 extra damage for 2 min. Restore 30 pts of health (45 pts with Wasteland Survival 3 perk). Restore 10 Action Points. Add 5 points of radiation damage. Cost 45 Caps.
– Nuka Cola Victory : Restore 30 pts of health (45 pts with Wasteland Survival 3 perk). Restore 50 Action Points. Add 5 points of radiation damage. Cost 45 Caps.
– Sunset Sarsaparilla : Restore 20 pts of health (30 pts with Wasteland Survival 3 perk). Restore 10 Action Points. Cost 25 Caps.

Additional details :
To obtain the “Temporary removal of addictions” effect, I used a workaround which compensates the negative effect of an addiction. For example, Mentats addiction reduces your Charisma of 1 pt. So when you take Fixer, you gain 1 pt of Charisma during 2min.
As result, Fixer will works with most of the chems and alcohols. There is probably a better way of doing it, but for the moment this is the best way I found.


Don’t hesitate to report any issue you find.
If you want a specific item from Fallout New Vegas in this mod, I’m open to suggestions.
If you have suggestion to improve or (re)balance this mod, I’m listening.
If you encounter some of the new items too often, please report, so I could adjust the loot tables.


My previous mod Sunset Sarsaparilla is included to this mod. So you can remove it if you use it.
But since the Sunset Sarsaparilla (of this mod) use an another ID, any old Sunset Sarsaparilla you have in your inventory will be removed. So make sure you have drank them before ;).

This mod is not compatible with any other mod that change the appearance of Nuka Cola, Nuka Cherry or Nuka Cola Quantum.

Here’s a list of what my mod edit :
– [ALCH:00048360] NukaColaCherry “Nuka Cola Cherry”
– [LVLI:000366B8] LL_Chems_Any
– [LVLI:00048361] LL_Drink_NukaCola_80
– [LVLI:00067399] LL_Drink_NonAlcohol
– [LVLI:000757B8] LLI_Vendor_Drink_NonAlcohol_Basic
– [LVLI:0007593D] LLI_Vendor_Chems_Basic
– [LVLI:001BA1A9] LLI_Loot_Chems_Prewar
– [LVLI:001BA1AB] LLI_Loot_Chems_Basic
– [LVLI:0021C98C] LLI_Loot_Drink_NonAlcohol_Basic


For the Nuka Cola Quartz and Victory :

Note that I completely redone the labels from scratch. So, yes, they are very similar to the original artwork, but it isn’t a simple copy/paste.
If there is a problem with the usage of this references, please contact me and I will change the corresponding labels.


1.Go to your Documents\My Games\Fallout4
2.Open Fallout4.ini
3.Find sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\
4.Add sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, textures\, meshes\, materials\
5.Extract the files into your Fallout 4’s Data folder (Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data)


Before removing this mod, make sure you don’t have any of the items that this mod add in your inventory.
But the most important point, make sure that any effects (like Low-light Vision for example) are not in effect. If it’s the case, just wait until the effects disappear from your Pip-boy screen.
After that, you can uninstall and remove the mod.


– NifSkope 2.0 Pre-Alpha 4
– Gibbed’s Fallout 4 Tools
– B.A.E. Bethesda Archive Extractor
– Photoshop CC2015
– Illustrator CC2015

Credits: Mkdo40
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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1 Response

  1. Ahmed says:

    Can you post a full scale label for the quartz and victory and cherry, or at least can you refer me to someone who already has it?

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