Modern Firearms (Gunsmith Edition)

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Modern Firearms (Gunsmith Edition)

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This mod currently contains 8 custom weapons (2.0beta), which are:

#1 AR
#2 ACR
#3 H&K MP5
#4 HK416/417
#5 H&K G36
#8 SIG SAUER SG550 Series

I have implanted all the things I promised to put into the game, after reaching version 2.0, I am aiming for improving the system, balance, and distinction within this mod. That doesn’t mean I will stop adding new things, as long as I found decent models with permission to use, I will still give the audience new surprises. But the attributes of the weapons are something needs to be seriously adjusted – I am not making a fancy skin mod at all, I want to create a new shooting experience for all of you.

Apr 21


I am not an expert of background settings, but I do think we always received old-fashioned and improper weapon in the Fallout universe. The “Great War” was happened in the last quarter of 21 century, but judging by the pre-war weapons that existed, the 21 century itself seemed never existed. I am not living in North-America, yet according to my knowledge, the most popular and wildly used firearm over military and civilian market in the pre-war U.S., probably to be the AR family.

I used to hate AR series, no kidding. But whether you are an AR love or hater, you can’t just ignore that they are “commonly seen” in North America, so that is the first thing I made in this project.

Wait a second. WHAT is AR? I mean, I know what AR is, but WHICH AR exactly is in your mod?

With the creation of C.U.T.E. I am forced to be familiar with parent linking system of FO4, even when my first time creating a weapon, there are only few problems appeared. So yes, those weapons (primarily the AR series) are fully and maybe over modifiable.

So, let’s skip the question, most variats of AR family can be “created” by your own. That’s also the purpose of calling it “Gunsmith Edition”.

Also, I have created independent dynamic naming system for all these weapons, it may surprise you for a bit I think.

For everyone of you who had ever built an AR, or thought of building an AR would know what’s the point of making this mod, just do not criticize me for separating the buffer tube from receiver itself, or separating the barrel from barrel – upper receiver assembly, it is for the convenience of best effect, not because of ignorance.


The fun of this mod depends on yourself to discover it, I can simply explain what you will probably have:

Various brands of receiver sets, some are more precise than the other, some suffer less recoil, civilian receiver are not allowed to fire at full-auto… etc.

Various kind of barrels, besides the basic different attributes for each barrel length, only the barrel with RAS system allowing you to make additional attachments.

Various butt-stocks, magazines, iron sights for fitting your own taste.

Various RAS attachments, but currently most of them are just accessories. Probably they will be functional in the future, eventually.

Wild range of randomized spawning, you will hardly get bored with it.

Compatibility over weapons. Besides MP5, all the NATO rifles with same spec will be allow to reach those modifications.

Fire mode (currently only semi-auto/full-auto) can be set through workbench, I will try studying in script (or with some help) and aim to make it changeable any time any where. As well as the COMBO sights, flip them in or out by choice.


Those firearms are already written into Level List, you will find them from enemies and vendors (but not from the chest currently, I just forgot to edit it). To modify it further, you will need to scrap similar items (yes, these shiny guns). Indeed, I will not allow you to create those fancy weapons from junk.

If you insist to acquire these weapons by console commands, the item form id is XX00A001 ~ A003, each number indicates the creation number, which was listed above.


The damage of 5.56 caliber was set to 80, 100 for 7.62×39 Soviet caliber, while 7.62×51 is 120. It may look too high, but please note that THERE WON’T BE ANY MODIFICATION INCREASES THE DAMAGE as the Vanilla game, consider it is fully upgraded to 175% as a Vanilla one does, it is not over-powered (in my own balance setting environment at least).

But BE AWARE that now it may appear in early stage of the game, and your enemies will be more vicious, as you are.

Known Issues:

-Some modifications cannot be re-used even if it is in inventory.
-Vanilla holding animation does not fit the custom weapons, that’s not something doable.

NOTE: DO NOT report any of those known issues, I am fully aware of them and certainly working on them. Especially reporting the animation issue was forbidden.

Compatibility Note:

Leveled Lists was heavily edited in this mod. To be accurate, the weapon and vendor lists. Conflicts should be expected if you are using a mod that also modifies it.


Feel free to make re-texture, sound replacement or compatibility patch for this mod. Especially welcome if you are going to paint the stock/grip/handguard in Tan/OD green 😛


Exciter Guns Mini Pack
Exciter MAGPUL Masada ACWS Pack
Exciter HK MP5 Mini Pack
Thanks generous Exciter who was gladly to share his excellent work with me without hesitation. Fans of Exciter weapon packs, remember where your favorite weapons are from!

Models of M203/.308 receiver/.308 magazine/Olympic Arms receiver/GemTech suppressor/KAC GS seris suppressor/Surefire SOCOM suppressor

Thanks Z06Frank for sharing his beautiful model of Magpul Angled Forgrip from his HK G3 Battle Rifle, I have searched for it for a long time and never knew he has created on Nexus. Now we are more tactiCOOL thanks to him!

She kindly taught me how to handle the old textures, and even helped me to transfer/create them. With her delicate, we have proper sights since version 1.2!

Credits: idlesheep - WhiteShades
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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5 Responses

  1. chris says:

    can we have proper console codes plz? ….

  2. Colin says:

    How do i flip the scopes on the guns?

    • kyle says:

      you can do it either in the weapons workbench or you can buy an item from the mf terminal that will allow you to flip scopes whenever

  3. AnchoragePoint4 says:

    Is this mod available on PS4? I’ve looked in the shop but can find it.

  4. John says:

    Is this mod still active or is it dead?

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