Modern Camouflage Fatigues
[Modern Camos by tony1991a1]
1. Installation
2. Configuration
3. Uninstallation
1. To install, simply copy one of the ‘textures’ folders to your fallout4\data\ directory. That’s it!
2. Configuration:
This mod comes with multiple configurations:
Multicam for Army Fatigues and Desert MARPAT for Dirty Army Fatigues
Multicam for Army Fatigues and M81 Woodland for Dirty Army Fatigues
Desert MARPAT for Army Fatigues and M81 Woodland for Dirty Army Fatigues
Desert MARPAT for Army Fatigues and Multicam for Dirty Army Fatigues
M81 Woodland for Army Fatigues and Desert MARPAT for Dirty Army Fatigues
M81 Woodland for Army Fatigues and Multicam for Dirty Army Fatigues
Simply open the folder with the number that correlates to the replacement stlye you want and paste the ‘textures’
folder into fallout4\data\ directory.
3. To uninstall, simply navigate to fallout4\data\textures\clothes and delete the ‘fatigues’ folder
Thanks for downloading! Endorse if you like it!