milks hardcore Perk Rebalance

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milks hardcore Perk Rebalance

This was originally made for personal use, but I thought others might like it. The Perk system was very unbalanced and annoyingly “leading” (guiding you to get certain perks each level) so I changed requirements and certain effects, with thought to freedom AND balance.

Level requirements are (mostly) replaced by higher SPECIAL in a manner that I thought makes sense. For example:

Each level of lockpick or hacker requires 1 extra Perception or Intelligence
Cap Collector 2 requires 5 Charisma (it takes at least an average level of social skills to haggle prices down i think)
Lone Wanderer has no extra requirements
Crafting perks have modest level requirements (5, 10, 16…ish) and require some SPECIAL investment so you don’t get the best kit in the game within 5 minutes. It should take AT LEAST 6 minutes
and more i don’t feel like typing

I recommend checking the requirements for the perks you want so you can plan accordingly. But basically, most perks’ highest rank requires 7-10 of the appropriate SPECIAL. You can’t pickpocket the clothes off someone’s back with Helen Keller perception levels or have paralyzing punch with 1 strength anymore.

Additionally, many combat bonuses were reduced. Since different perks can stack to ridiculous effect, i felt this had to be done [Be aware I made this with a mind to compensate for ‘hardcore’ mods that increase damages. It may be good for vanilla, but that’s not what I aimed for.]

Gun type perks increase damage by 10% per rank instead of 20%
Unarmed and melee give 15% per rank
Ninja 3 was nerfed from 10x sneak melee damage to 6x, in steady progression from the other ranks
Preston’s and Danse’s relationship perks give 10% damage boost instead of 20%
Lone Wanderer defense bonus down from +15% per rank to +10%, and damage bonus down from +25% to +15%
a few other subtle tweaks

Also included are a Cap Collector 2 fix (which properly gives 20% better barter, instead of 19% or some weird number due each rank counting separately), and a few description clarifications where possible (e.g. “10% better hip fire accuracy”). Some vague things like “a chance to cripple” I left alone since it’s based on a random roll of percentages and I’m not sure how to quantify it.

best to install this before a new playthrough. It worked fine on my existing save but I only had a few perks unlocked at the time. I cant guarantee changes will apply to your save normally.
This was my first mod, made with fo4edit. I leaned on other perk mods, mainly S.P.E.C.I.A.Lized Perk Builds by Scoota, to find out which data to change, so thanks to him for making my life easier. If you want a perk mod with SPECIAL requirements and no other changes, check out Scoota’s. He has said he plans future updates and changes.
I didn’t want to wait or depend on someone else to make the kind of mod I wanted, though, so I just did it myself. All feedback is welcome.

Credits: milkowskip
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