Military Tan Paint for All Power Armors – Standalone PaintJob

Fallout 4 Mods |

Military Tan Paint for All Power Armors – Standalone PaintJob

Hello, everyone.
This is my first time creating MOD.
There are many possibilities, such as clumsiness.
At that time, I want you to tell me a lot.

I’m afraid my expressions may be rude or hard to read, because I’m not so good at English.
But please be patient. I’ll study English hard.

About This MOD

This MOD adds new standalone Paints for all Power Armors, fit the worldview of Fallout 4.
It contains these files:

Texture maps (Diffuse and Specular maps)
Material files
ESP file

It is a large number of add files. Makes its own data hierarchy, with an emphasis on clarity.


But I can’t judge whether those method are good or bad…

This MOD There are three types of resolution.
Please choose one of version in accordance with the environment.

4k Version Best quality. But at the cost of performance and heavier download. Used in Screenshots.
2k Version Original size of Fallout4. It does not affect the performance.
1k Version Less details. But better performance and lighter download.

Manual Installation

Simply extract the contents of the archive you downloaded inside your Fallout 4 “Data” folder.
Edit your Fallout4.ini if you haven’t done so already.
Edit “sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\” and then change it to “sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MATERIALS\”
And finally enable the Tan_Paint_PA.esp either via a mod loader/manager or by editings your plugins.txt

Credits and Thanks

invock for his amazing MMP4APA – Minuteman Paint for ALL Power Armors (Gray or Blue)
It was very helpful for me in many respects.
wolfgrimdark for his amazing Grim Wolf ReShade and ENB Presets
Used in Screenshots. I really love his ENB Presets.

Please forgive me of the awkward English.
Thank you for reading.

Credits: slzmshr
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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