Martial Minutemen

Fallout 4 Mods |

Martial Minutemen

A simple mod that replaces the Radio Freedom music with American military marches, mainly from the Civil War rather than the Revolution however there are a few from that time period. Still lore friendly as the Civil War happened before the timeline split.

Music selection includes:
1.Battle Hymn Of The Republic
2.Frog In The Well
3.Garry Owen
4.Hell On The Wabash
5.Jefferson And Liberty
6.Old 1812
7.Paddy On The Handcar
8.The Girl I Left Behind Me
9.The Minstrel Boy
10.When Johnny Comes Marching Home
11.Yankee Doodle

If you hear only static or the music never plays than you might have issues with the newest NMM version (0.61.4) You will have to install manually by extracting the Data folder into your fallout 4 directory located in Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\

Requires you to have setup Fallout 4 for modding:

This mod was created using Darcanis’ fine Fallout 4 Music Replacer utility.

Credits: SilentShadow93
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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