M1 Carbine – Standalone Rifle

Fallout 4 Mods |

M1 Carbine – Standalone Rifle

If you encounter any issues or crashes, DO NOT post to the comments section. Your issue will probably get lost. You will be sad. I will be indifferent.

Help me help you. Submit a Bug report with your exact weapon build (eg. receiver, barrels, muzzles, etc.) and if you use any other mods that might conflict.

M1 Carbine
By Undyne777
Original models & textures by KnechtRuprecht (D3IMUDD4)

Adds a standalone semi-automatic rifle to the game, complete with leveled list integration and extensive weapon modifications.

Known Issues
I am aware of some strange transparency issue on the top of the rifle. This only occurs in-game (not in 3dsMax or in Nifskope) so I am at a loss for how to fix it. If anyone has suggestions to fix, let me know via PM please!

Mod Conflict Alert
If you use any mod that touches the below leveled item fields, there will be a conflict. You will need to create your own merged patch (using FO4Edit) or pray that some kind soul makes a patch for you. I will not do it for you due to time limitations on my end.


MP-153 Riot Shotgun – Standalone
Standalone shotgun with full mod support and integration into vendor lists and loot lists for Rail Road, Gunners, and Raiders.

Weapon Mods – Caliber Conversion Kit
Comprehensive receiver mod pack that adds new ammo options to the 10mm Pistol,
.44 Revolver, Combat Rifle, and much more!

R91 Standalone Assault Rifle (contribution)
Fallout 4’s first standalone weapon spearheaded by ff7cloudstrife.

FOMM compatible
For manual installation, drag and drop into your FO4 Data folder

Delete the ESP and meshes/texture files included in this package
The original compatibility patch for Immersive Weapon Names is available, courtesy of Khormin. Get it here.

Myself (Undyne777) for porting the model/textures to Fallout 4, creating new textures, and model edits and tweaks
KnechtRuprecht (D3IMUDD4) for the original M1 Carbine model and textures
Hlp, Zilav and Sharlikran for their test distribution of FO4Edit on Nexus
Bethesda for the base FO4 files used to create the barrel, magazine, muzzles, and other attachments

Special Thanks
ff7cloudstrife for being a great springboard for ideas and working through each others’ FO4Edit issues!
Wretched89 for advice and help navigating 3ds Max and how to port assets to FO4

Do not redistribute this mod or use elements included herein without my permission. Any permitted use requires citation of the respective authors mentioned above.
You may not use the contents of this file or commercial uses.

Tools Used
Autodesk 3ds Max
GIMP 2.0

Credits: Undyne777
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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