Low Gamma Reshade

Fallout 4 Mods |

Low Gamma Reshade

This reshade is for people who dislike the washed out feeling that Fallout 4 has that comes from the nonadjustable gamma. My preset should have zero impact on fps, and make the game look darker, atmospheric, and overall better. The tweaks I made are only sharpening, gamma, and a small amount of saturation.

How To Install:

Simply extract and past files to where you see fallout4 exe.

To uninstall:

Delete the same files you put in the folder.

To change the amount of gamma:

1. open the Sweetfx folder.
2. open sweetfx settings text doc.
3. go down until you find “Tonemap settings”
4. change gamma to what ever (higher values = lower gamma)

* id advise you not to go below 1 as it is the default.

Credits: Dylan
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