Lootable Vault Suit Boxes

Fallout 4 Mods |

Lootable Vault Suit Boxes

If you’re like me, it drives you nuts that there are things which look like they should be lootable, but aren’t. It’s one thing when it’s a half-buried locker. It’s another thing when it’s a freakin’ cardboard box sitting on a table. Chief offender among the latter: the prominent “Vault-Tec Vault Suit 10 ct” boxes scattered around most Vaults. Why can you not open them up and see if there are any vault suits to be had?

I’m sure you see where this rant is going: I decided to fix this. I’ve created several new “Vault Suit Box” containers for each of the in-game Vaults, and have replaced all the static boxes with some version of these containers. Each container can have up to 10 Vault Jumpsuits from the appropriate Vault, though they could also have none in them. Specifically, each of the 10 suits in the box has a 25% chance of being there (kind of, read the notes section below).

I didn’t stop there though. A number of the Vaults do not normally have any suits available for looting. Now in these Vaults some of the Vault Suit Boxes will spawn with at least 1 Vault Jumpsuit in them. This means you now have a (semi-)legitimate way of obtaining the missing Vault Jumpsuits, at least for the Vaults which are present in the game.


Due to the way the game performs the “chance none” calculation on Leveled Item Lists, often times you get a “feast or famine” effect. Specifically, you tend to find Vault Suit Boxes which either contain no Vault Jumpsuits, or which contain 10 Vault Jumpsuits. You also tend to find that most Vault Suit Boxes have the same number of suits in them. I’m not sure exactly why this is (other than the engine being weird about how it calculates things) but I’m doing my best at resolving the issue. In the meantime just know that if you encounter this problem I am aware of it.

Credits: Yukichigai
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