Lootable Supermutant Armor

Fallout 4 Mods |

Lootable Supermutant Armor

Supermutants wear underwear, who knew!

This is just a simple mod that changes the leveled lists for supermutants to use the “playable” versions of their armor instead of the default non-playable ones. The SuperMutant Shogun armor didn’t have a playable variant, so I just removed the non-playable flag from the base versions, and the SuperMutantArmor1 (called Super Mutant Armor ingame) was set to be wearable by the player, so I set the flag to match all the other SM armor pieces.

I haven’t touched the stats on any of the armors, although I did bugfix the “Watcher’s Bandage” item to use the blindfold mesh and texture, instead of the fashionable sunglasses… I suppose it may have been amusing to have Strong running around with goofy sunglasses, but it was a bug 😛

I also made the Suicider bomb playable, so it’s probably possible to pick them up now – I haven’t managed to pickpocket a suicider yet, so I’m not sure.

This is NOT a truly “serious” mod – I just noticed that there was two versions of all of the super mutant armors, and I figured it would be a fun mod to make and play with. As it turns out, it adds a bit of immersion – we’re able to loot armor off of raiders and such, I’ve just added the super mutant armors to the list.

In the works I plan to make the armors scrappable (they aren’t by default), and I’d like to rebalance the various pieces to better match the player armor piece scaling – there seems to be three tiers of Super Mutant armor, just like we’ve got three tiers of player armors, so there’s no reason it shouldn’t work.

I might also see about adding modding recipes to them, but that’s likely to be more work than I want to take on.

Credits: Lapdragon
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