Longer Distance PipBoy and Spotlights (With Optional PipBoyShadows)

Fallout 4 Mods |

Longer Distance PipBoy and Spotlights (With Optional PipBoyShadows)

To begin

I wanted to say thank you to McGuffin for allowing me to include his mod PipBoyShadows into this mod. Basically his mod enables shadows to be cast from the Pipboy and player spotlights – in my opinion making the game look much better.

His mod can be found here, I suggest that if you want to use the version of this file with included shadows that you read his description to know a bit more about it. However, I will do my best to sum up his description: the Pipboy light is a bit buggy with some shadows, and you may see a performance hit. However I think the positives outweigh the negatives as it gets rid of that weird “aura” look that the Pipboy has by default.

Anyway, I thought that the player lighting ingame kinda fell short, literally. I wanted my spotlight and Pipboy light to not necessarily be brighter, but shine further – this mod does exactly that. All lights have had their range increased by 50%.


LongerDistanceLightsNoShadows.esp – Only longer distance for the Pipboy and spotlights. No shadows. Use this if you don’t want shadows or your PC can’t handle the performance hit.

LongerDistanceLightsWithPipBoyShadows.esp – Longer distance and shadows. Recommended.

LongerDistanceLightsWithPipBoyShadows – No PipShadows.esp – Same as above, but no shadows on the Pipboy. Use this if you don’t want to deal with the sometimes glitchy Pipboy shadows.

Default Pip Length – Each of the above has one of these variants. The only difference is that the Pipboy shines the default length, made by request.


-If you already use PipBoyShadows then delete that .esp file and remove the relevant line from plugins.txt

-Choose your .esp file

-Paste your .esp file into your Fallout4\Data directory (Use only one!)

-Go to C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Fallout4, find plugins.txt and add the name or your .esp file to the end (So add a new line that says LongerDistanceLightsWithPipBoyShadows.esp or LongerDistanceLightsNoShadows.esp). Save your plugins.txt and use file explorer to make it read only (right click, check ready only, hit apply).

-Go somewhere dark and use your lights.

-(Optional) To enable shadows from NPC lights (companions in power armor for example) set bAllowShadowcasterNPCLights = 1 in your fallout4prefs.ini file, under [General].


I recommend this mod for usage with a ReShade preset that makes the game nights and interiors darker. I personally use Silk Shadows preset, I like the way it makes the game look.

This mod was created with Fo4Edit. If you enjoy this mod then endorse please. If you have any problems post them in the comments.


.2 – Added variants

.3 – Added more variants

.5 – Fixed potentially corrupt .esp

Credits: chiknnwatrmln
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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