Loads of Ammo – Switchable Ammunition Types

Fallout 4 Mods |

Loads of Ammo – Switchable Ammunition Types

Thanks to FO4Edit! Thanks to Orvid for his scripting tools Caprica and Champollion!

Loads of Ammo – Switchable Ammunition Types
This mod sets up a framework for the ability to switch ammunition types on the fly- like in New Vegas. You can craft a wide range of ammo types, and switch between them easily. The mod adds at least 3 new ammo types for (almost all) weapons- that let you lay walls of fire or radiation, knock enemies back or just switch to AP to hunt armoured foes.

Here’s a slightly naff demo video of the functionality at work (on a slightly sluggish FO4 as my computer struggles to cope with recording ;_;)

Standard Ballistics (5mm, 10mm, .38, .308, .44, .45, .50, 556)
Armour-Piercing: Add 40% armour penetration
Depleted Uranium: Add 5 radiation damage, but deals constant radiation damage whilst using
Explosive: Adds 15 explosive damage, but increases recoil by 50% (not available in 5mm)
Incendiary: Adds 15 fire damage
Tracer: Reduces recoil by 40%

Anti-Tank: Higher damage, smaller blast
High Explosive: Larger blast
Incendiary: Reduced damage, but places a lingering area of fire
Micro-Missiles: Splits into multiple smaller warheads
Plasma: Replaces the explosion with a plasma blast

Shotgun Shells
Birdshot: Higher damage, wider spread, more projectiles
Beanbag: Very low damage but knocks targets back
Pyro: Fires a blast of flame.
Flechette: Adds 40% armour penetration
Solid Slug: Fires a single round

And many more! I may even list them all when I have a spare hour.

Using the mod is easy! Build an Ammunition bench, and from there build some alternate ammo. Then build one or more of the [Ammunition Switcher] items. Hotkey them, then equip them to use.

NPCs can use these ammo types! Switch a gun to use an alternate ammo type, and hand it to a companion (with ammo) and they’ll use it. They won’t yet switch back to normal ammo if they run out.
Most ammo types are compatible with most legendary effects. The exception is the Explosive legendary effect:
Explosive bullets and explosive legendary effects won’t stack. Incendiary and tracer rounds, shotgun pyro ammo and Gauss Rifle Capacitor Shocks aren’t compatible with the explosive legendary effect and will override it.
This mod is compatible with Legendary Modification
This mod is not compatible with Weapon Balance Overhaul, Cut Weapon Mods Restored and Any Mod, Any Weapon. If you make a patch for them, I’ll happily host it here for everyone else.
New weapons from mods will switch ammo type. This may not work if they have been rechambered. This is easy to fix by simply making sure they have both dn_Has_Rechamber and the appropriate dn_Has_Rechamber_XXX keyword on their rechamber mods.

Tutorials coming soon! It’s possible to add new ammo types to existing calibres (e.g. 5mm, Fusion Cell, Mininuke), or to make your own calibre. It’s fairly fast and easy to do.

Note: I’m not averse to adding new calibres to the mod to prevent 2 different modders adding their own type and ending up with, for example, incompatible .22 ammo. I will only do this for actual mods, though- I’m not speculatively adding two dozen near-identical calibres just to please [Gun Nut]s.


Alternate ammo types for the Gamma Gun, Gatling Laser and Alien Blaster- they’re supported, but I’ve not made any yet
Support for missing ammo types from previous Fallout games: BBs, .22, 12.7mm, Small Energy Cells, Electron Charge Packs, Grenade Launcher Rounds
Support for NPCs spawning with alternate ammo types (so they can be placed in leveled lists)
Support for NPCs intelligently switching between ammo types
(Possible) Support for switching secondary ammo types e.g. in underslung grenade launchers/shotguns?

Balance critique! I churned out these ammo types pretty fast to fill up the roster. I’m sure that the perk requirements, component costs, and
bonuses are a bit out of whack. Ideally, each different ammo type should change how you use your gun- the high recoil on explosive rounds should
slow down your fire rate, whilst the radiation exposure of depleted uranium rounds should encourage you to be faster and more reckless.

That’s not necessarily the case for some ammo types. AP ammo in particular is a bit iffy- it’s just generally better. How AP is implemented in FO4
makes it hard to make interesting, though- I ended up ditching the idea of hollowpoint ammo that’s affected more heavily by armour too.

If you have some well-thought out balance suggestions with justifications (ideally more useful than ‘nerf plz’ or ‘Ammo Type A is too weak that’s it’ or ‘that’s not how depleted uranium rounds work’ or anything with the words ‘realism’ or ‘immersion’ in), please let me know in the comments!

Credits: Talkie Toaster
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