This was designed for enb/reshade preset makers to have more room for gamma edits and over all better quality lighting.
This plugin increases the weight of every light so it is more true the source that created it. except pipboy workshop and weapon muzzle flashes to be more compatible with other mods
This plugin is different From Fr4nsson’s Light Tweaks because I edit the weighting of each individual light. his mod simply edits the image space
It also decreases fog brightness in most weathers and increases fog range
It reduces intensity of god rays by 25%
It adds neutral LUTs
It decreases light brightness at night
It decreases sunlight brightness at day
It does not currently edit rad storms
This is not compatible with Darker nights or any mod that edits god rays or a mod that edits lights other than pipboy workshop or weapon muzzle flashes
make sure LFX is last in your plugin load order
Known issues:
Night vision for enb is not perfect