LeighPouse’s Bats

Fallout 4 Mods |

LeighPouse’s Bats

Split into 8 categories, here are some .txt files I have made then you can execute in the game.

= Installation =
To install any of these files simply copy the one you want and place it in “Steam\Steamapps\Common\Fallout 4” (the same folder as the launcher).
To use the file, while in game open the console and type “Bat (FileName)” eg. “Bat Funds” to execute the file. Don’t forget to unzip the folder to access the .txt’s

= Inventory =
Inventory: Simple Inventory manipulation, no setup necessary

Ammo – Adds 1000 of all ammo types
Funds – Adds 10000 Caps
Mats – Adds 1000 of all crafting materials (you will become over-encumbered unless in God Mode)
Cores – Adds 100 Fusion Cores
Crops – Adds 100 of each Settlement Crop
Bobble – Spawns all Bobbleheads at your location, can’t add them directly to your inventory or you wouldn’t get benefit
Mags – Spawns all Magazines and Your SPECIAL at your location, can’t add them directly to your inventory or you wouldn’t get benefit

= Legendary Armor =
Legendary Armor: Apply a Legendary mod to your Armor/Power Armor.
To use drop the Armor you want to modify on the floor, open the console and click the armor to lock it’s id, then execute one of the following.

Acrobat – Reduces fall damage by 50%
AssassinA – Reduces damage from humans by 15%
Bolstering – Grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower your health (up to +35)
Cavalier – Reduces damage while blocking or sprinting by 15%
Chameleon – Enemies have a harder time detecting you while you’re sneaking and not moving
Cunning – +1 Agility and +1 Perception
Duelist – 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit
ExterminatorA – Reduces damage from Mirelurks and bugs by 15%
Fortify – +1 Strength and +1 Endurance
FreeFall – Prevents falling damage
GhoulA – Reduces damage from Ghouls by 15%
Herbalist – +25 poison resistance
HunterA – Reduces damage from animals by 15%
Low – Low Carry Weight
LuckyA – +2 Luck
MutantA – Reduces damage from Super Mutants by 15%
Powered – Increases Action Point refresh speed
Sharp – +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence
Sprinter – Increases wearer’s movement speed by 15%
Titan – Reduces damage while standing and not moving by 15%
Unbreakable – Quadruples Durability (Power Armor)
VatsA – Recuces AP cost by 40%

= Legendary Weapons =
Legendary Weapons: Apply a Legendary mod to your weapon.
To use drop the Weapon you want to modify on the floor, open the console and click the weapon to lock it’s id, then execute one of the following.

AssassinW – Does 50% more damage against humans
Automatic – Automatic fire mode
Beserk – Does more damage the lower your Armour Resistance. (Up to 200% at 0 resistance)
Bloodied – Does more damage the lower your health is
Crippling – 50% more limb damage
Enraging – Critical hits cause the target to frenzy
Explosive – Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area-of-effect damage
ExterminatorW – Does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs
Freezing – Does 10 points of cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits
Furious – Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target
GhoulW – Does 50% more damage against Ghouls
HunterW – Does 50% more damage against animals
Incendiary – Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage
Instigating – Does double damage if the target is at full health
Irradiated – Does 50 points additional radiation damage
Junkie – Does more damage the more withdrawal effects you are suffereing
Kneecapper – 20% chance to cripple the targets legs
LuckyW – Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster
Medic – Heals the target instead of hurting them
Mutant – Does 50% more damage against Super Mutants
NeverEnd – Unlimited Ammo Capacity
Nimble – Provides 75% faster movement while aiming
Nocturnal – Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day
Penetrating – Ignores 30% of the target’s damage and energy resistance
Plasma – Adds 10 Points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo
Poison – Target is poisoned for 10 seconds
Powerful – Does 25% more damage
Quick – Costs 25% fewer Action Points
Rapid – 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload
Relentless – Refills your action points on a critical hit
Sentinel – Take 15% less damage while standing and not moving
Staggering – Chance to stagger on hit
Stalker – If you are not yet in combat, increases VATS accuracy but costs more AP
TroubleShoot – Does 50% more damage agaisnt robots
TwoShot – Fires an additional projectile
VATSW – Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less AP cost
Violent – Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil
Wounding – Target bleeds for 25 points of additional damage

= Power Armor =
Power Armor: Each file adds a complete set of Power Armor to your inventory (sometimes randomized models), no set up necessary
all complete with a fusion core

T45 – Adds a full set of T-45 armor
T51 – Adds a full set of T-51 armor
T60 – Adds a full set of T-60 armor
X01 – Adds a full set of X-01 armor
Raider – Adds a full set of Raider armor
Frame – Spawns an empty Frame outside Diamond City Goods shop

= Environment =
Environment: Each file manipulates the current environment in the game, the game may stutter but don’t panic

Clear – Sets the current weather to normal

= Settlement Size =
Settlement Size Bypass: What this one does is exploits the glitch in settlements where if you max out the settlement meter and want to keep building you just need to scrap things on the floor to make it go back down. The file spawns 100 Large Generators near you (I picked Generators because they seem to refund the most “Size”), feel free to lower or increase the number spawned just be careful as this may cause your game to crash. If after spawning the generators you are thrown through the floor, do not panic, simply walk forward while falling and you will be teleported back to the surface. So for unlimited settlement size simply build, spawn generators, scrap generators, repeat. Enjoy 🙂

Gen – Spawns 100 Large Generators at your location

= Armor =
Armor: Spawns in a complete set of the specified armor, however due to the nature of spawning items in the game will generate random “quality”, so you may need to use each command a couple of times to get the best set of armor

Combat – Adds a set of Combat Armor to your inventory
Leather – Adds a set of Leather Armor to your inventory
Metal – Adds a set of Metal Armor to your inventory
Raider – Adds a set of Raider Armor to your inventory
Synth – Adds a set of Synth Armor to your inventory

= Companion =
Companion: Summons the selected companion to your location, gets around a lot of the “lost companion” bugs i’ve seen floating around the internet. WARNING: do not use on companions you haven’t obtained yet

Cait – Summons Cait to your location
Codsworth – Summons Codsworth to your location
Curie – Summons Curie to your location
Danse – Summons Paladin Danse to your location
Dogmeat – Summons Dogmeat to your location
Hancock – Summons John Hancock to your location
MacCready – Summons Robert MacCready to your location
Piper – Summons Piper to your location
Preston – Summons Preston Garvey to your location
Strong – Summons Strong to your location
Valentine – Summons Valentine to your location
X688 – Summons X6-88 to your location

And that’s it, if you have any requests let me know in the comments and i’ll update the files a.s.a.p. Also if you come across any bugs let me know, I’ll be amazed if in all theses files I didn’t spell something wrong or missed an 0.

Hope you enjoy these and they enhance your experience.

= Updates =
Version 1.1:
– Didn’t Upload properly, nothing to see here 😛

Version 1.2:
– Added Raider Power Armor to the Power Armor Section
– All Power Armor sets now come with a fusion core

Version 1.3:
– Added a Power Armor Frame to the Power Armor Section
– Added Fusion Cores to the Inventory Section
– Added Environment Section & Clear Weather

Version 1.4:
– Added MutantA and VatsA to Legendary Armor section
– Added Crops to Inventory section
– Added Bobble to Inventory section
– Added Armor Section
– Changed Frame in Power Armor section due to bug
– Added Companion section

Version 1.5:
– Added Low to Legendary Armor section
– Added Mags to Inventory section

Credits: LeighPouse
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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