Legendary Rarity Zero – The Wastelands Nightmare

Fallout 4 Mods |

Legendary Rarity Zero – The Wastelands Nightmare

Standalone compatible with all mod that not do anything about legendary chance
(agian my english is bad)

to make it all working with this mod i do another mod that max out all Player level limit in every encounter zone
to slove issue they are not spawn as legendary or not spawn at all because Player are low level (but you can download from here as optional)
here link to my another mod Legendary and Skull Encounter 127 – Max Out all NPC level limit chance in every Encounter zone (update to 1.1 set min vaule to the right place)

this mod will change the Rarity of Legendary Enemy to Zero
Result is the game spawns most of all creatures as legendary (if in that cell let you face them)
Now you are not godlike alone. Boston Wastelands is not just a playgrounds for newbie!!

this video will show you when every step you travel in wasteland is nightmare!!

some endosement would be nice to me . i dont need a donation or anything

credit : this is rebuild Standalone version with Fo4edit
i already update to make sure everything is working before reupload this mod

in this video will show you in every Encounter Zone they will Spawn a legendary enermy
when use this mod with my another mod Legendary Encounter 127 – Max Out all Player level limit in every Encounter zone

if video are not proof enough you must see this picture i capture when test my mod
the legendary raider are showup in concord Quest out of time

Credits: Loganfromhell
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