Legendary Player Born

Fallout 4 Mods |

Legendary Player Born

*instruction how to install and use video coming soon…

to install this
sorry to not god at english

it simple to use

1. download this txt
2. extract .rar to your fallout 4 folder
3. open your game

4. when you on start menu
open console command by press grave
then type
bat 1

5. press enter
6. close console command by press grave agian
7. load your game or start new one

8. when you are already in-game “and already outside vault 111”
open console command by press grave
then type
bat 2

5. press enter
6. close console command by press grave agian


*when you quit game and come back to play agian must repeat all step because this is not esp version and dont need NMM to install

god bless vault boy ;D

quest marker really farrrrrr
you can now see Hostile enemy from mile away(in testing)

*mote : some change only working in survival mode i recomaded you to play in survival mode

this is bat version i am working around testing
i dont want to made a esp yet(and because i dont know how to do now)
so you can modify by youself this bat give you overpower experience in the wasteland

more lgendary to hunt
more weight limit and actionpoint *see below
more damage and they can hurt you more to
more building visible in radar

“and you can control how to fly in power armor if you have jetpack”

Something in vats system is not from my experiment(will add credit and link after)
i recommended you to use this mod if you want vats effect like in the video(does not contact him for permission to link here yet)
– V.A.T.S. Tweaks by Detrax(does not contact him for permission to link here yet)

and more more more

just copy this txt file to your fallout 4 folder
then type bat 1 when you are in start menu

you are born terminator now!!

for actionpoint and weight effect you need to level up you perk before if you not use this from new game

have fun dude

Credits: Loganfromhell
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