Leeloo Warmaiden – Privileged Ginger Teen – Quickstart

Fallout 4 Mods |

Leeloo Warmaiden – Privileged Ginger Teen – Quickstart

“Greetings wanderers! Your friendly Vault-Tec rep here again, and I’d like to introduce you to Leeloo Warmaiden. She’s the latest addition to the clan Warmaidens, and this fiery lil devil is from a privileged background but is ready to learn to fight!

Physically, she’s fit as a fiddle, slim, has smooth skin free of radiation and battle damage, some light freckles, blue eyes, red hair, very light makeup, and is a bit on the short side (setscale=.96)!

Don’t let these docile feature fool ya, Leeloo is ready for action! With maxed stats, crafting education, some extra ammo and stims, a high carryweight, and 5000 caps to get started with, she is prepared for the worst of the Wasteland. (Also includes a save without privileged stats, additions.)

She’s already collected the junk and cleared out Vault 111, including that whacky Cryolater she’s not supposed to have yet. Leeloo awaits your guidance at the base of the Vault 111 elevator, just in case you want to change a few things on the elevator before leaving our marvelous Vault! Here at Vault-Tec, we did the initial footwork so you can get right out to the fun! Enjoy!”

-End Transmission-



This is simple Savegame containing the character Leeloo Warmaiden, quickstarting at the base of the Vault 111 elevator. Thus, you do have the opportunity to change her name or appearance on the elevator pad before going topside. It’s about as close to a teen as I could get. I did use “setscale .96” so she’s a little shorter than standard too.

So obviously the opening sequences are skipped, and she’s also picked up all the junk in the Vault plus the Cryolator, so you can get crafting soon. There are actually two save files. The first or earliest one does NOT have cheated stats or anything, so if you want to play vanilla, load that save.

The second or later save has the following stuff done: maxed S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats at 10, added crafting perks, set health at 500, set carryweight at ~1300, added 10 stimpaks, 500 additional rounds of 10mm ammo, and added 5000 caps. If this isn’t your kind of start, that’s okay, it’s why I also included a save of right before I ran my batch file.

Difficulty is set at highest, Survival, but I’m not actually sure if that data translates in the save file or not. You can of course adjust this as you please. This is my second playthrough character and I found the game far too easy on Normal.



The save files (at least for me in Win 7 Ult 64) go into:
C:/Users/*your_username*/My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Saves
But if you’re on a different Win version, you’ll have to figure yours out.
Download the .rar to anywhere, unrar it anywhere or just open it, drag and drop into your Saves folder, done! Theoretically… Then start the game and you should see the two saves on your Load subscreen.
A Readme is included, with all this information here, in case you’re like me and can’t find this page again.


Shown Mods In Pics:

Vault Suit Retexture – http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/446/?
Black Pip-Boy – http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/445/?
Eyes of Beauty Fallout Edition – http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/133/?
K-Putt’s Preset – http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58/?

So if you want your character to look exactly like the pics, you’ll need those mods, mainly the Vault Suit retex and Black Pip-Boy retex.

[Free plug: By the way friends, this character fits in great with mod “Higher Pitch Female Protagonist Voice” by Asterra here http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/288/?

I use file version A1 since it’s the one the author said he uses. There hasn’t been any noticeable distortions that the author mentioned might be noticed. The greatest part is that it makes the character not sound like Jennifer Lawrence’s scratchy voice after 15 Heinekens and 30 cigarettes lol.]


Usage Rights:

Do whatever you want with this, seriously, it’s just a fun savegame.


Updates & Issues I found already:

1.) UPDATE/FIXED For Version 3: With the privileged / cheated save file, there’s a “bug” or strange thing in the game code which resets your (cheated) carryweight of 1000 back down to what it’s supposed to be for your level / strength combo upon first entering that first Power Armor on the roof. This was 310 I think for me.

[This reset occurs when using “player.setav carryweight 1000” like I did in Version 1, and with the command “player.forceav carryweight 1000” like I did in Version 2.]

Thus since I’d been picking up everything in sight doing the initial junk collection, the character becomes “overencumbered” instantly upon stepping into that very first Power Armor on the roof. Unfortunately this is the moment raiders attack, and you’re stuck being slow and overencumbered. Note: this only happens the first time you get into Power Armor.

FIXED, I think finally, third time is a charm they say huh? I tried the command “player.modav carryweight 1000” and it seems to stick and doesn’t get reset by the weird code triggered when the player first gets into that first Power Armor on the roof. It may seem like a noob mistake but trust me, there’s some weird code there. I didn’t think modav would work, as that sometimes causes problems of its’ own, but it appears to have solved the strange code resetting your carryweight.

2.) Since I used player.setscale .96 (making the character slightly smaller than the vanilla 1.00, some animations are misaligned, such as inserting a Fusion Core into a Power Armor suit. There’s just nothing I can do about that, it’s in the code. If that bothers you too much, use console command “player.setscale 1” without quotation marks. CAN’T FIX 🙁

Credits: jdb1776
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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