Late-Game Useful Power Armor

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Late-Game Useful Power Armor

Late-Game Useful Power Armor

This mod aims to keep the earlier Power Armor, the T-45, T-51, and the T-60 relevant in the later parts of the game without making them overpowered at the start of the game.

In other words, that rusty T-45 you picked up early in the game will still have the same stats as before, but as you upgrade it, it will be closer to X-01 stats unlike in vanilla FO4, thus keeping it relevant.

Keep in mind though the T-45 is vanilla stats until you can upgrade to C where it is somewhat closer to T-51’s vanilla stats but it is still far from T-60 and X-01, same goes for the T-51 and T-60. Basically how I tried to set it up is so that as the various Power Armor appear, the preceding armour can be upgraded closer to it’s stats, with a bit of a gap.

This pic may help with the explanation … hopefully, or help make you more confused.

The changes are centered on the fact that the Power Armor are only upgradeable at certain levels. With the required armorer and science perks, from level 1 to 13, then 25, and then 39. The upgrades Type C or Mk. III become available, followed by Type D / Mk. IV, then Type E / Mk. V and finally Type F / Mk. VI.

So …
level for perk – upgrade available
1 – Type C or Mk. III
13 – Type D / Mk. IV
25 – Type E / Mk. V
39 – Type F / Mk. VI

I also tried to stay close to the point at which the X-01 is actually available (apparently at lv. 26 or 28 … or 29) as the point when the armour stats become closer to the X-01’s stats. From there I targeted the T-60’s stats then the T-51’s stats. Again, refer to the pic/chart showing the stats for each full set at certain upgrades.

Repair Adjustments

Makes adjustments to the repair costs to the Power Armor so they are a bit more in line with each other, although you won’t see X-01 repair costs for that rusty base level T-45, so it shouldn’t be too bad.
That said, this might make managing Power Armor early in the game more difficult, in particular the T-45 since aluminum is pretty scarce early in the game, so watch out for those mines early in the game!

1.0 – release

Credits: me
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