Larva Launchers 2.0

Fallout 4 Mods |

Larva Launchers 2.0

Ever feel that killing enemies with Bloatfly Maggots was fun, but there was something missing?

Ever want more than just one type of Larva Gun, each one being balanced and integrated into the game?

Did you enjoy my Larva Launcher Weapon mod?

Do you think that when an enemy dies from Maggots that a Bloatfly should have a random chance to spawn?

I have taken my Larva Launcher: changed it, tweaked it, made even more types of weapons from it, and all around made it more balanced and better than ever!

I bring to you my 15th weapon related mod “Larva Launchers 2.0”!

AMMO/Mod Info!!!:
This mod contains 3 different Larva Weapons (Larva Sniper 2.0, Larva SMG 2.0, Larva Shotty 2.0) along with separate Ammo for each of them (Sniper Maggot, SMG Maggot, Maggot Shell).

***There are two different .esps for this mod, one that can randomly spawn Bloatflies one you kill an enemy with it, and one that will NOT randomly spawn Bloatflies upon enemy death due to Maggot.***

These weapons and their ammo come fully integrated into the game!

Bloatflies (shocking right?) of any form (Legendary or not) can potientially drop any of the guns or any of the Ammo at anytime.

The Larva Sniper and it’s Ammo has the highest drop rate, and the Larva Shotty and it’s Ammo has the lowest drop rate, while the SMG is in the middle of them drop rate wise.

Each of these weapons comes standard with their own mods I felt would help improve the performance of the weapon.

None of these mods have been altered by me, to either make them more or less broken, they are what they are.

These weapons are certainly not broken, and are balanced fairly well into the game for extra gory fun.

***You can bring any of these weapons to any weapon bench in the game and mod it, but I highly recommend NOT doing this, as anything that overrides the projectile will make them not work right.***

*****Each of these weapons have been balanced to better represent the type of weapon that they are, the Sniper does the most damage and has a slow fire rate, while the SMG does the least amount of damage but has a very high rate of fire along with a large clip size.*****

***These weapons will primarily do Radiation, and Poison damage. I did add some physical damage as well for those things that are immune to Radiation or/and Poison.***

***The Ammo that can drop has also been balanced: 1-9 at a time for Sniper, 2-18 for Shotty, and 10-60 for SMG.***

The Larva Sniper 2.0 ONLY has a build in Legendary Effect on it called Wounding which is unchanged fromt he in game’s Wounding Effect, it goes well with it considering…

**All of the Maggots that you shoot at your enemies will stick to, then slowly bore into your enemies. You can always go back to the enemy you just killed and get some of your Ammo back also.**

****Any Bloatflies in the game can drop any of the Ammo or Weapons at a time. If you arn’t getting the Weapons, just remember if you see the Ammo drop, it just as easily could have been the Weapon that uses that particular Ammo.****

The projectiles that these weapons use are modeled after Bloatfly Maggots that think they are Missiles, made to be faster traveling, and they are linked to a gory explosion that doesn’t hurt your enemies, the Ammo hurts them, the explosion is just for effect.

**Do not use both of these .esps at the same time, I am sure that it is doable, but to limit confusion along with several more Bloatfly drops I recommend that you only use one.**

**These projectiles have no clue what gravity is, and will never pretend to be a parabola and arc.**

***There is no craftable items for this mod, they are integrated into the game by means of Bloatflies, as mentioned before.***

*This is my 18th mod for Fallout 4. I still do not know everything, so please go easy on me if I do not know how to fix or understand an issue that randomly comes up.*

*****As long as you do not use this mod for monetary gain, feel free to use this mod however you please, but give me credit, and I would appreciate a PM letting me know what you are tinkering with.*****

If you have any ideas for weapons or a mod of some sort don’t be shy let me know, I prefer through PM, and I will get back to you and let you kow how feasible it is through our current limitations of modding.

Burn The 34RTH is a standalone weapon, and uses an .esp file. This file will go into your Fallout4 -> Data folder. If you have a desktop icon right click it and “Open File Location” then drop it into the Data folder. If you just hit “Play” on Steam then go to Program Files -> Steam -> steamapps -> Common -> Fallout4 -> Data.

I guess various mod managers will automagically recognize the .esp and check it off. I do not use one for FO4 and if you do not either then go here: Users -> (Your Computer Name) -> AppData -> Local -> Fallout4 -> plugins.txt. Add the line without quotes “LarvaLauncher2.0.esp” OR “LarvaLauncher2.0Lite.esp” under the Fallout4.esm in whichever load order you wish.

The Lite version is the one that will NOT randomly Spawn Bloatflies once you kill something with it.

To acquire the weapon or the ammo look for Bloatflies, and murder them.

If you still want it badly enough without using the help command then use this method (Bloatfly genocide method):
1) Bring up the console command
2) Type without quotes “tcai”
3) Go somewhere far from civilization, an empty area.
4) Type without quotes “player.placeatme 29469 (then the number that you want here)”
5) Exit concole command and commit Bloatfly genocide.
5 1/2) If you forgot to enter the “tcai” command you will know it now as all of the Bloatflies will all try to have their way with you at once, if this happens bring up the console command and type tcai.)
6) If you do not get the weapon then repeat steps 1-5 until it is aquired.

I will not give out the codes. Hunt it. It is worth it.

Credits/Thank Yous!!!:
Thanks to Bethesda of course for the game.

Thanks to the makers of FO4Edit as well which is a great tool with a very minuscule learning curve also.

Thanks to my tester and screenshot taker flinkybinks269, who also came up with the Larva Shotgun idea.

This mod is brought to you from the extremely sick and twisted mind of myself, using FO4Edit, if you wish to use this mod or part of it in another mod please read the disclaimer section above, and give me some credit.

Thank you for your downloads/endorsements (hopefully), more weapons to come…

Enjoy making a gory maggot infested mess out of your enemies!!

Also Check Out My Other Mods!!!:
The Nuke Rifle (Now with Multishot Suppressor Mod)
Consolidated Face Melter (Now with Flamer (“Burning Melting Goodness”) and Cryolator (“Toxilator”) weapons also added)
Larva Launcher (Sound Fix now out)
Prime Lasers (Now with Prime Gauss Rifle)
8 in 1 Grenade Launcher
Advanced Junk Jet
Craftable PA Frames and Pieces
Playing God
The Weaponening
Lethal Scopes and Iron Sights
Anti-Grav Weapons
Straight Line Grenades
Improved Nuke Rifle
Rainbow Tinted LD Scopes
Laser Cannon D3TH Sentence
Load Order Tutorial (Not a mod, but a helpful guide in excel form)
Burn The 34RTH

Credits: Derpsdale
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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