KelvinHD Reshade for Fallout4

Fallout 4 Mods |

KelvinHD Reshade for Fallout4

KelvinHD and KelvinUVHD Reshade Presets for use with Fallout 4

KelvinHD is a standalone Reshade meant to be used with the games SSAO + DOF + Effects; neither it or KelvinUVHD include SSAO or DoF.

KelvinHD enhances and corrects color, provides Cinematic visuals and enhances visuals. It does not play well with Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction as they combine to amplify color enhancement.

For this reason, I adapted KelvinHD to make KelvinUVHD; an alternative visual enhancement with rich colors, darker interiors, and brighter days, (dependent on sunlight).

Both offer crisper, higher definition visuals over Vanilla, and work well with texture replacements, (of which is use plenty, mixing and matching). In some cases, I recommend removing the specular map replacements in add-on retexture files as they can create some ultra-reflective surfaces which might look quite abnormal. Only generally if you notice an issue.

KelvinHD has a light hit on performance. In most cases, it runs at 55-60 FPS on my system, compiles quickly, and the only noticeable performance loss I see is during script-heavy operations in Fallout4, which is a game issue. In such cases I can see my FPS drop as low as 32-34 for brief periods. My settings can be seen in the images provided.

Let me know if you find any issues, or like what you see. I have done very little tweaking with KelvinUVHD; only having adjusted it for alternative visuals, and to work with F4ECC.

More detailed Instructions are in the KelvinHD Readme file, but more or less go as follows:

I only provide the modified files for the preset. In order to use these files, you have to first download the Reshade framework from extracting the required files to your Fallout 4 Game directory, (above the Data folder), read the EULA and Readme that come with the Framework, run the Mediator and determine the correct dll to use, rename that appropriately, and copy it to the Game Directory.


Credits to:

SparrowPrince for his W.E.T Mod textures

Fr4nsson for his Lighting Tweaks

Commonwealth HQ Landscape Overhaul textures

..and many others. There’s some really great texture enhancements and mods out there and I’ve taken advantage of quite a few of them, including Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction found here, which is recommended for the optional Reshade KelvinUVHD. I also use and recommend True Storms-Wasteland Edition

Credits: 1027Kelvin
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