Kellogg’s Armor STATS AND FULL HD UPGRADE MEGA PACK – Standalone – Armorsmith Extended Compatibility – CBBE

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Kellogg’s Armor STATS AND FULL HD UPGRADE MEGA PACK – Standalone – Armorsmith Extended Compatibility – CBBE


CBBE UPTADE 1.2 : I’ve made a mistake with the files (my bad), it should be corrected now

CBBE OPTIONAL FILES : CBBE compatibility AVAILABLE in the optional files
, only female for the moment. And don’t forget, you need bodyslide to use it.
It is not perfect, but most of the work is done, if you know bodyslide and if you see some bug you can easily fix it, i’ll up a better file soon, also for the male version.

Yop yop yop ! This mod work now fine with amorsmith extended mod ! BIG thanx to gambit for it.

So now it’s time to upgrade it and be able to wear other stuff ! I still don’t know how to do it, so be patient, i’ll find it anyway. In the mean time, if you want wear more stuff with my HD texture PACK, you should go HERE download the main file with NMM (BLACK 3.0 CHROME EDITION), and just take your original kellogg’s armor (the one you’ve looted in game). It’s gonna work fine.

UPDATE 1.8 : I’ve added my HD retextured Kellogg’s gloves to the files and a new tutorial that everyone should read, just look under.
This update inclue the first person view, female and male character, the files is now perfectly updated, i didn’t see any bugs or missing things, everything should be fixed now !

UPDATE 1.7: A problem was report : When people saved the game, and then re load the game, the outfit was gone, and you had to get it again in the console, so now : THE PROBLEM IS FIXED BIG THANKS TO : Ghostifish and Draco856 to explain to me how to fix it.

UPDATE 1.6 : Working on female character

UPDATE 1.5 : I have fixed the files, now it is a real standalone, textures works only for my files. So the original kellogg’s armor won’t be affected by my mod. NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT FOR FEMALE CHARACTER, i’ll fixe it very soon

If something wrong please tell me, and if you are just happy, tell me too XD, endorse ^^ and post something if you want, it gonna help me to keep making mods for you guys.

I’ve been looking some tutorial to find a way to improve the Kellogg’s Armor stats so here we are :

Kellogg’s Armor stats upgrade MEGA PACK (BLACK 3.0 CHROME EDITION INCLUED):

60 damages resist / 50 energy resist / 25 rads resist
+1 PER / +1 CHA
Yeah +1 CHA just because he is charming ! But no radiation resist, by the way i don’t know how with a simple
fucking jacket he could have radioactiv resist … How could he ? ^^ Ok ok, let’s put 25 ! (how could he have balistic resist with a jacket you would say to me anyway XD)

(i’m still thinking on it and maybe a new balance will come later. But i really think that Kellogg’s Outfit
deserve that upgrade, if we compare that set to some others (ugly) ones !)

Don’t forget, if it’s your first mod download go to check the nexus tutorial
to enable moding on your fallour 4 folder. Don’t forget also to enable
the esp files (in plugins) on NMM.

If you have any problem or request just leave me a message !


If you want only the esp files (the stats upgrade but not the re texture) you’ll find it in the optionnal files.

Also, if you want to use another texture pack available on my other page mod but keep using my stats upgrade mod :

1 : You’ll have to instal the .esp mega pack (with the textures pack INCLUED). Then, you download MANUALLY a texture pack on the link below (or from another moder).

2 : Atfer that, unzip and you’ll find 6 kellogg textures files inside the armor folder.

3 : You have to copy all the textures files (you should have 6 files .DDS), then you put it in (just replace it): fallout4/data/textures/armor/customkellogg

4 : Here we go, you’ve done it.

I’m sorry about it, i know it is not pratical. I’ll work on another solution soon, i have to re upload all my texture pack in the right way of my esp files. Should be done in some days, hopefully ^^

Instead, this solution should work, just remember that: 6 .DDS files, replace it in the customkellogg textures folder in your fallout 4 data folder.

Clic here to see my other mod and select a new color or HD texture

So, if you want more colors and textures choices you really should go to see what i have done, everything is explain on that page (FULL HD re texture, re color, new details added …)

ANOTHER THING TO KNOW : ALL new colors and textures sets will be add on my other mods page in the optional files. Just look in the picture to see the name of the file you want.


By the way, i’m new in this community and with moding stuff and i would like simply to share things with some people, maybe work to a common project if you are up too! Anyway, feel free to leave a comment whatever you are !

Credits: Echoes56560
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