Kellogg’s armor re-color

Fallout 4 Mods |

Kellogg’s armor re-color


In the 2.0 version, i will replace every original texture with some HD texture of my choice, and you’ll have also 3 colors choices.
It’s a lot of work but i’ll do it anyway for me, so i’ll share it !

1.3 +> Color and texture upgrade

1.2 => NMM auto-download/instal work now

1.1 => First try

Hello !

This is my first mod, i am a beginner with it but i have the luck to be graphist so i was happy to see that you can retexture and recolor stuff with photoshop !

The is a re-color and texture upgrade for the kellogg’s armor, i will do something better soon but i like the way it look already, so i wanted to share it and see if i can add correctly some files here. Just tell me if something wrong happen.

The best way to use it is to download the file manually from the nexus (because i don t know how to set the right thing to do yet) , then you put the textures files to your fallout 4 data folder: the right way to follow is : C: => STEAM => steamapps => common => Fallout 4 => Data => Textures => armor => kellogg

This files works for male and female characters, if all is working good please endorse it ^^


BETTER STATS : If you want some stats improvement just wait some days, i m working on something right now with a mod from another person, but i need his permission to use it i suppose. You will soon be able to make some color/texture and stats change directly in game.

FOR CBBE : I am already able to use that armor with CBBE without texture/meshes problemes, but i want to make sure that is perfect before adding it on the nexus

Credits: Echoes
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