Jetpack Enabled Lining – Standalone_with fall damage reduction and X01 Jetpack_Protocols – Standalone

Fallout 4 Mods |

Jetpack Enabled Lining – Standalone_with fall damage reduction and X01 Jetpack_Protocols – Standalone

Like the short description says…

A standalone jetpack and fall damage lining modification for armors and clothes, hopefully this might mean i get less requests for jetpacked armors. And i found a standalone combination of the jetpack and emergency protocols for the X01 Power Armor in my load order that i forgot i made 😉

This happened while I was figuring out different ways of applying effects to things and thought it could come in handy for more people than my single armour jetpack mod. (i might just stick those armour retextures as optional for this files once I’ve patched them to work with this)

This seems to also remove the flame effects from beneath the feet (*EDIT* some full armours and clothes still produce the flames beneath the feet seems to be at random), though the 3rd person body animation is still goofed up, so a minor improvement i think 🙂

There are no cosmetic differences to the Jetpack/Emergency Protocols it just simply puts the Jetpack and Emergency Protocols together into a PA torso modification.

I want to work on replacing the sound soon but im playing with other things atm.

The Jetpack Lining costs 3 Adhesive and there are no conditions, it reduces fall damage by 35%. Im considering adding a limb cripple resistance ench to it as well because i use the mod Arbitrition by JackArbiter and its a pain having broken legs every time you land with the jetpack from a height 😉

I think the PA Jetpack Protocols require the same perks/mats as the originals.

I recommend using this with a mod that makes more equipment modifiable such as

And is a must have for anyone using a PA jetpack 😉 And the Jetpack Protocols should be compatible with More Power Armour Mods (More Power Armor Mods) by Talkie Toaster go give that one a download its worth it 🙂

Made from nothing but the original game files with F4Edit.

Let me know if there are any problems.

Credits: Jkroovy
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