Jesters Walther PPK-S Covert Sidearm Retexture

Fallout 4 Mods |

Jesters Walther PPK-S Covert Sidearm Retexture

I leave you with this last Retex I did a few days back, that turns your covert sidearm into a real gun.
Both the comfort grip and suppressor are also covered.

My best mod thus far imo, because alot of work went into making sure this was perfect. From the texture to the way the light hits the engravings.
Also! I have optimized the textures by creating them at a higher resolution and downsizing them afterwards with no impact on the aesthetics! So they are the same size as the original textures and they have the same great taste!


P.S. Please endorse this mod if you feel that it deserves it! Endorsements make me happy but are not necessary ๐Ÿ™‚

How to install:

Edit sResourceDataDirsFinal in your fallout4.ini
located here:
%YourPC%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4

Look for this line of text:

Now make the following adjustments:
sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\

Extract the contents into your Fallout Data folder. It should look like this:
Textures/Weapons/covertsidearm/.dds files

Credits: Jester
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