It’s Just Water (Count9us)

Fallout 4 Mods |

It’s Just Water (Count9us)

About a little more then half way through the game and thinking about a possible second play through. I was so reliant on water my first few levels for health mostly and for caps. I didn’t need any food or stimpaks because of water, and I could have created a water empire of caps with my water purifiers if I really wanted to. It just seemed odd that it would be so beneficial, yes it necessary for life but it kind of unbalances the important of other health items at least in the beginning. So for hardcore players, semi-realist players, those with temptation issues, and those that think water should be just for crafting. I have 4 files to choose from.

0 – all values for health and caps are zero
.5 – All values for caps are half (about) and health is half with duration taking twice as long
.1 – All health zero with 1 or 2 cap values since I do like crafting and water is needed for it didn’t want to cheat by getting free mats
.2 – caps 1-2, zero health benefits, but since water is still you know important for life and all thought we should give it some benefit so you get AP (5) for a little while instead

Just pick one other wise it will just override the other.

this is my “second new” mod. It was going to be my last in a series of mods I was going to make in order to learn how to mod but my second project blow up in my face spent over 16hrs over 3 days trying to make multiple stations do different things and it was “impossible”. I felt so discouraged though maybe I’d give myself a little boost by doing the last on my list a simple water mod and take the opportunity to learn how to make a mod manger download thing that some modder have were the user can pick and choice from a menu of what options to get. First I need to make different choices like the ones above, now I just need to know who make the menu to put them in, if anyone out there know please tell me. I’m going to go online and look it up later this evening need to get some work done right now. Hope you enjoy !

6 hrs later: Went online to see info ON how to make what’s called a FOMOD. Very little info, but found 3 sources each with a different method. Tried all three 2 of which were programs that were suppose to help and none worked. Surprisingly there are no YouTube videos on it. I’m taking a break from trying, will come back to it again when I can find time, more info, and not as discouraged.

You can Check out my other mods:

Essential Crafting (Main one, other are just breakaways from this)

(highlight http:// and right click and it should take you to page, Nexus sometime has issues with links)

Essential Crafting – Cloth

Essential Crafting – Plastic

Essential Crafting – Circuitry

Essential Crafting – Ceramic

Credit:I credit Bethesda for allowing us to not just play their wonderful games but play every aspect of game making through modding.I would also like to credit all the modders that I have taken the time to make the mods I have enjoyed over the years from Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. I can’t name all of them but I would like to make a Shout Out to Gopher on YoutTube who first showed me how to install a mod. Finally, the TES5Edit team and Modnexus team because of them we are able to enjoy mods.

Credits: Count9us
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