IPM – Insane Crafting

Fallout 4 Mods |

IPM – Insane Crafting

Insane Crafting


This would not be possible without NifSkope and 3ds Max Nif Plugin.

This modification will ultimately contain different variants of Crafting equipment.
And new kinds of them.
At the moment there is only Vertibird Windmill Generator which replaces Windmill Generator.
(rotor blades rotate 30 times faster than original)

Does not contain any plugin (*.esp *.esm) replaces only meshes (*.nif) files.
Is compatible with any modification which edits/replaces textures
but does not change meshes.


It can be installed and uninstalled with Wrye Bash or Nexus Mod Manager at any time without any complications.
(WB and NMM after uninstalling restores previously replaced files)

Like what I did, go back and support me.
This is the best way to thank me for my work.

I tried to do everything as best I can.
If you notice any mistakes, errors please let me know.
Comments, suggestions, pictures, any feedback etc… greatly appreciated.

Work In Progress

Currently working on


Bethesda for games that we can modify.
3ds Max Nif Plugin
3ds Max 2016
Team and community nexusmods.com

Credits: InsanePlumber
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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