Institute Spectacle Island Blueprint
This adds an Institute-themed outpost to Spectacle Island. Largely unfurnished but easy transfer!
Blueprint Description
This is a relatively unfurnished blueprint base built at Spectacle Island. It’s similar to my Murkwater Institute Base where it features an above-ground facility. It’s raised on pylons to better protect itself from local weather and wildlife. Its separate structures are separated by sky bridges, while the center hub structure features an elevator to the surface.
Like Murkwater, it’s supposed to represent a post main-quest Institute that’s comfortable building some structures above ground. Spectacle Island, already being so remote and unpopulated, was an opportunity to build Institute structures in plain sight.
A dormitory building. Each room has enough space for a Sim Settlements interior plot! The main hall has room for other interior plots.
Teleporter and security building. Bottom floor features the teleporter, while the top floor has roof access, a security monitoring station, and a prison cell.
Science building. Has room for more interior plots if desired.
Required Mods
Wasteland Workshop DLC
SETTLEMENT OBJECT EXPANSION PACK: I’m not really sure if anyone interested in settlements doesn’t already have this mod.
HOMEMAKER: Still an effective mod for settlement building.
CRAFTABLE INSTITUTE ELEVATOR: A mod that adds really nice Institute themed elevators. Necessary for the lift that takes you from the ground to the main structure.
ALL SETTLEMENTS EXTENDED: Not needed by the BP, but probably required as I’m sure my structure goes outside the vanilla settlement bounds.