Immersive Reflex Sights

Fallout 4 Mods |

Immersive Reflex Sights

This mod is my solution to Bethesda’s strange desire to give us robot eyes when using reflex sights. Reflex sights are supposed to be used for quick target acquisition, thus the simple, bright dot of color, but with the vanilla sights I would constantly find myself unable to switch from target to target due to them being either blocked by the sight itself or hidden off screen. Plus that sudden zoom-in effect is a bit disorienting, to say the least. If you’ve ever used a reflex sight in real life, you know it’s more or less just an alternative to iron sights, no magic zoom-in effect, no suddenly better vision, that’s what scopes are used for. And yes, I know there are some reflex-type sights with magnification in real life, but the in-game models don’t look like they would have any.

Plus, I knew if I put immersive in the title I would totally get like 500,000+ views..

This will work with any FOV setting you use.

This only changes the FOV multiplier for reflex sights. I personally use 105 FOV, but all the screenshots were taken with the games default 70 FOV.
There is still a slight zoom-in effect with this mod. This is unchangeable at the the moment, but now reflex sights are equal to iron sights.

This is a real simple one guys, it’s just an ESP File.

[NMM Installation] Hit the download with NMM button and check the box next to the mod.

[Manual Installation] Simply extract Immersive Reflex Sights.esp into your data folder. Activate in your choice of mod manager.

As far as I know load order shouldn’t matter and there shouldn’t be any conflicts or incompatibilities at the moment, but do let me know in the bugs sections if something pops up.

And yes, before anybody says anything, I know there’s an Identical to Master record in there. It is actually a mistake on Bethesda’s part. I included it in case Bethesda or somebody else decides to fix it.

Recommended Mods
Clear Reflex Sights Really useful for those dark areas. I’m using it in the screenshots above.

Credits: thehiddenedge
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