Immersive Fast Travel

Fallout 4 Mods |

Immersive Fast Travel

Pretty simple mod. You can now build teleporters, motorcycles and vertibirds at settlements which allow you to fast travel to other settlements you own. And you can optionally disable the vanilla fast travel system.

Located under Resource -> Miscellaneous
Can be built at any settlement other than Home Plate and Spectacle Island.
Consumes fuel to travel based off distance. (craft fuel at the Chem station)
Can travel to any settlement you own other than Prydwen, Institute or Spectacle Island
Time passes as though you fast traveled

Located under Resource -> Miscellaneous
Can be built once the Prydwen arrives
Can be built at any settlement other than Home Plate
Consumes half as much fuel as the motorcycle to travel. (craft fuel at the Chem station)
Can travel to any settlement you own other than the Institute
Time passes as though you fast traveled

Located under Resource -> Miscellaneous
Can be built once you visit the institute
Can be built at any settlement
Does not consume any fuel to travel but must be powered (10 power)
Can travel to any settlement you own other than the Prydwen
Changes the fast travel arrival point so you appear in the teleporter
No time passes when teleporting
Huge Thanks to Absorbed for re-texturing the teleporter!!

Teleporter Instructions
Build a teleporter.
Attach a conduit to the teleporter
Wire the conduit to at least 10 power
Open the teleporter
Get inside
Close the teleporter
Select a destination


Disable Vanilla Fast Travel
To disable the vanilla fast travel system, install the DisableVanillaFastTravel plugin.
NOTE: this does not disable using vertibird signal grenades to fast travel.

Re-enable Vanilla Fast Travel
disable the DisableVanillaFastTravel plugin
load your game
open the console
type dumpinputenablelayers
find the layer number of the DisableFastTravel input layer
type resetinputenablelayer 0
save your game
NOTE: I used the number 0 in the reset command but you need to use whatever the layer number of the DisableFastTravel input layer is

Optional Versions
You must assign a worker to each device in order to use it.

You can build the vertibird without having been to the prydwen.
You can build the teleporter without having been to the institute.

You can build the vertibird without having been to the prydwen.
You can build the teleporter without having been to the institute.
Vertibirds and Motorcycles dont require fuel to use.

Lets you make oil from corn and gourds at any cooking station (Oil is used to make fuel)

Credits: Cole Robinette
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