IF-88 Standalone Tactical Shotgun

Fallout 4 Mods |

IF-88 Standalone Tactical Shotgun

IF-88 Tactical Shotgun

I really like the USAS-12 and the SPAS-12, and I’m too impatient to wait for someone who can actually model to make either one for F4. So to that end I took to NifSkope, butchered some vanilla assets, gave them some new textures, smooshed it all back together again and VOILA!!!

The IF-88!

With custom sounds, levelled list integration, and a full set of mods that includes:

14 Recievers!
5 Barrels!
4 Stocks!
5 Sights!
8 Magazines!
3 Muzzles!

Now you can have the combat shotgun of your dreams!

The IF-88 can be found at certain vendors, and on adequately levelled Gunners and Raiders as loot.


1. Download the main file.

2. Copy the contents of the zip to your Fallout4 “data” directory, or Install with NMM.

3. Activate “IF88TacShotgun.esp” in your load order.

4. Load the game.

5. Smoke some fools.

If you just cant wait to get the gun, here is the console code:

player.additem xx000823 1

Where “xx” is the mod index in your load order.

Known Issues/Possible Conflicts

This will conflict with other weapon mods that add weapons to the same levelled lists, which will result in the weapon not spawning on enemies or in shop inventories. This can be remedied by making a merged patch with FO4edit. If you don’t know how to do this, go on to youtube and search for “Gopher”, watch his tutorials.


Big thanks to Mudcups for his youtube video showcase of this mod!

Me, for making this mod.

The Nifskope team, for Nifskope.

The FO4Edit team, for FO4Edit.

Bethesda, for Fallout 4

Credits: skibadaa
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