ICE – Immersive Crafting Expanded

Fallout 4 Mods |

ICE – Immersive Crafting Expanded

ICE – Immersive Crafting Expanded

Immersive Crafting Expanded(ICE) aim to expand, enhance, and balance the current vanilla crafting system, while tend to keep the immersion of being an sole survivor in the Commonwealth. I do value the immersion and difficulty balance, so one shouldn’t be worry this will break your game experience on the level of difficulty and please do let me know if there are some setting cost the mod become cheaty.

However, although I haven’t encounter any bugs, due to the early stage of Fallout 4 modding tools, there can be unknown bugs so please save often. Endorse if you enjoy this mod.

=>Currently ICE is on it’s very early stage and only offer few new recipe for uncraftable object all playable grenades(with few exception), chem, stealth boy, food, and weapon.

Current To Do List:
Expend and form a immerive materials convert system

Detailed Changed Log:

Grenade: Nuka Grenade, HalluciGen Gas Grenade, Institute EM Pulse Grenade, Synth Relay Grenade.
Mine: Nuke mine,
Chem: Calmex, DaddyO, Day Tripper, (New)Artefactual Mysterious Serum, X – Cell, X – 111, Addictol.
Chem(Misc): Stealth Boy, Rail Road Stealth Boy, HalluciGen Gas Canister.
Food: Nuka Cola, Nuka Cola Cherry, Nuka Cola Quantum.
Small Tweak:
-Cutting Fluid moved to food(misc) category for future weapon crafting better sorting.
-Weapon Death Claw Gauntlet are now craftable and will require two Death Claw hand, one Death Claw Hide, three Steel, four cloth, and 6
-Death Claw Gauntlet mod – “Extra Claw” are now require one Death Claw hand instead four bones.

Credits: WindyWood
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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