Hush Dogmeat – No Idle or Whine Sounds While Sneaking

Fallout 4 Mods |

Hush Dogmeat – No Idle or Whine Sounds While Sneaking

I love you, Dogmeat, but you really should be quiet while we’re sneaking. This simply adds conditions to Dogmeat’s idle/whine sounds so he is silent while the player is sneaking.

I play stealthy, with almost no music, no enemy compass, and use either headphones or 5.1 sound to gauge where enemies are, so Dogmeat constantly whining or growling/burping/whatever while we’re sneaking around just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

This mod is extremely tiny and only changes a few sound descriptor records. Made with FO4Edit.

Feel free to suggest changes, and let me know if I missed any sounds. I cleared a small area with him to see if I caught them all, but I may have missed one or two. If Dogmeat goes into combat mode (is attacked, etc.) he will still make all of the regular growling, barking, injured sounds. This simply stops the idle sounds, whining, panting, etc. while sneaking.

Credits: fadingsignal
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