Hit Like Saitama – One Punch Man

Fallout 4 Mods |

Hit Like Saitama – One Punch Man

This mod lets you punch like your Favorite hero Saitama! ( this isn’t just a simple you kill everything in 1 hit either 😛 )

Adds an invisible weapon that looks like you are using your fist to hit things.

To obtain said weapon type “help Saitama 4” and type “player.additem xx” where xx is the ID for Saitama

1. DL with NMM and Done ( make sure to follow the directions of the updated NMM to ensure best performance )
2. Manual Install
1. Place the .esp in the DATA folder inside your Fallout4 folder ( this is the folder with fallout4.exe in it )
2. Open the launcher and make sure “OnePunchMan” is checked

Planned Features
– Add an effect that includes a strong knockback to make it really feel like an impactful punch ( if someone wants to clue me in if they know how to do it would be great )

-Blobify for their amazing work on the clothes ( this is not included in my mod you need to DL theirs

-Music Credit goes to meteorlogist15 check out the full video here

Everything in this mod was made with F04Edit, as it’s quite Beta still everything is experimental!

Final Notes
– If you have any Suggestions, Complaints or Ideas for the mod please leave a comment.
– Please Report ANY bugs you find
– I am terrible at HTML, yes I know the description page sucks ~.~

If you wish to look like I did in the video go DL Saitama’s Clothes they did a great job on the re-textures!

-RandomJoeBobSue ” You are really terrible at video editing you know? ” I know ;~;

Check out my Other mods
True Cannibal Overhaul
Better Curie Heal
Craft Cooking Oil From Corn

Credits: fifteenspades
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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