Hidden Helmets for Armorsmith Extended

Fallout 4 Mods |

Hidden Helmets for Armorsmith Extended

Okay first off let me say this isn’t perfect. I’m pretty new to modding, so keep that in mind as there are a couple bugs and weird things about this mod I can’t really figure out yet. Anyway what it does is this:

When you equip a helmet you wont be able to see it on your character. The way that I made this makes it so you can equip multiple helmets at the same time (I did this for compatibility issues with Armorsmith) Helmets no longer equip on your head, its on a body part called “scalp” in the FO4 records. You can choose to exploit this or not, that is not the reason I made it this way. Its only so you can wear gas masks and other things on your face still.

Also you can now wear hats at the same time as a helmet, though the hats will show, only the helmets were made invisible and hats equip and
unequip normally.

There is also a weird bug with hair I can’t figure out how to fix when you wear the Black Army Helmet at the same time as a Mining Helmet. All other helmets seem to work with the Mining Helmet. Pictured below:


Sorry for the shit description, like I said I am new, and if anyone can help me out with these technical issues take a look at the esp and let me know. Thanks!


Check out my other mods:
Ambient Combat Music
Lower Equipment Weight
Lower Junk Weight
Misc and Ingestibles Sort

Mods shown in screenshots:
Immersive Wastelander’s Pip-Boy
Hair Dye Mod

Credits: DOOM
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