Heavy Weaponry v2

Fallout 4 Mods |

Heavy Weaponry v2

* I got report that some of you might be able to craft them and some won’t be able to see them. If that your case, add it through console.

Adds 7 standalone customized weapons to the games
Once you’ve craft them in Chemistry Workbench, you can with the following modifications listed below.
Note: Some Muzzle or Barrels changes the type of ammo you shoot. Say with the Flamecryo you decide to add a Beam Splitter, By doing that, you’ll only shoot lasers and loose the flamecryo rounds.

—Highlight from what’s new from previous version—

-Add 2 new fist weapons
-Elephant gun now explodes and releases fragmentation grenades.
-Atomizer Cannon now deals thermonuclear explosion (Fusion between Minuteman Artillery explosion and Mini Nuke explosion).
-Rail Rifle now deals plasma explosion instead of Pulse due to missing texture bug.

—The Mechanical Arm— [xx001d45]

Ammo: N/A
-Oversize Mods
Animation: Boxing Glove

Oversized fist that deals tremendous explosive fire damage.

—The Claw— [xx001d46]

Ammo: N/A
-Oversize Mod

Oversised Talon that deals medium damages.

—The Flamecryo— [xx001d09]

Ammo: Frostfire Cell [xx001d1e] Modification:

Shoots explosive Cryo rounds that has a chance to froze and set them ablaze.

—Rail Rifle— [xx001D11]

Ammo: 3mm Rail Round [xx001D1C] Modification:
-Assault Mod
-Plasma mod
-Gamma Mod
-Syringer Mod
-Double Barrel Mod
-Combat Rifle Mod
-SubMachine Mod

Shoots a subsonic round that explode into Plasma explosion then place a plasma mine that explode on proximity.
(Note: Change from Pulse explosion because pulse explosion has a tendency to have mixing textures (ie pink cloud))

—Atomizer Cannon— [xx001D0A]

Ammo: Atomic Ray Cell [xx001D18] Modification:
-Missile Launcher Mod
-Railway Rifle Mod
-Fatman Mod
-Laser Musket Mod
-Institute Mod

Charge up a powerful laser burst that explode into a huge Thermonuclear explosion.

—Elephant Gun— [xx001D0F]

Ammo: Elephant Shell [xx001D14] Modification:
-Assault Rifle Mod
-Combat Rifle Mod
-Double Barrels Mod
-Sniper Rifle Mod
-Combat Shotgun Mod
-Missile Launcher Mod
-Railway Rifle Mod

Shoots a high speed cluster of mini missiles. On impact releases fragmentation grenades.

—The Cluster Launcher— [xx001D12]

Ammo: Cluster Shell [xx001D1B] Modification:
-Missile Launcher

Shoots a single missile that explode in mid air into mini cluster missiles.
Warning: If you angle the gun down (ie shoot near the ground) you’ll explode. Small bug, not sure how to fix. So be sure to aim straight or high up.

—How to Get—
Craftable in Chemistry Workbench
(Note: Perks and materials are required to craft them)
-Weapons under “Mine Tab”
-Ammunitions under “Grenade Tab”

or through Console


Partially incompatible with Shell Rain. Unless loading the mod before it.

Nifskope 2.0

Credits: Kmikaz3
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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