Greenhead – Brighter Bloatfly Retex
I know Greenheads aren’t really green (on the body) but I still wanted them to be slightly so, with brown/yellow coloring also.
The rainbow wings aren’t correct either (Greenheads have brownish wings) but I think they look more visually interesting, so I kept them. (Originally from Mike_trx’s Brighter Bloatflies)
Main focus of this mod was the texture of the eyes. Greenhead Flies have a really unique and awesome looking pattern to them.
I hate Greenhead Flies just as much as I hate Bloatflies. (The nasty buggers bite HARD!)
So this texture makes me enjoy killing them even more. 🙂
Credit for the base of the work:
Brighter Bloatflies – By Mike_trx
Thanks for giving me permission to release this!