Fusion Core Optimization

Fallout 4 Mods |

Fusion Core Optimization


The way the Gatling Laser handles ammunition and the pile of partially drained Fusion Cores in my Inventory began to annoy me, so I made this little mod.
It changes the Gatling Laser to use a new type of ammunition called Gatling Fusion Cells.
The Cells can be crafted at any chemistry station, and require a Fusion Core.
Depending on if you have the Nuclear Physicist Perk and/or have collected the Repair Bobblehead the created amounts are:

500 – No Nuclear Physicist & no Repair Bobblehead
550 – No NP & Repair BH
625 – NP Rank 1 & no Repair BH
688 – NP Rank 1 & Repair BH
750 – NP Rank 2 & no Repair BH
825 – NP Rank 2 & Repair BH
1000 – NP Rank 3 & no Repair BH
1100 – NP Rank 3 & Repair BH

These are the same amounts you get out of a Fusion Core without the mod.
This works vice versa with converting the Gatling Fusion Cells back into a Fusion Core.

With the Standard version, there will only be 2 recipes active at any time, when you aquire a rank of Nuclear Physicist or collect the Repair Bobblehead, 2 new options with higher amounts are unlocked, and both “lesser” crafting recipes are disabled.
Per request, the alternative Cumulative version doesn’t disable the options for lower amounts for both conversions, so you will unlock them bit by bit until you have access to all crafting recipes.

If you have a Gatling Laser equipped when activating this mod, you should unequip and re-equip it! (The game still shows Fusion Cores as ammo in the HUD and inventory, though requires Gatling Fusion Cells, so probably irrelevant, but do it just to be sure, it also shows the Fusion Cores in the inventory as equipped until you first reload)


If you haven’t already:
Navigate to …\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\
Open the Fallout4.ini file
Under [Archive], remove the text after sResourceDataDirsFinal=
and add the line bInvalidateOlderFiles=1

If installing manually, extract the archive to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data. (depends on where you have installed the game)

Manual Uninstallation

Delete FusionCoreOptimization.esp from the Data folder.


The locked Recipes are still visible in the crafting menu.
Because of they way the conditions are written in the Standard version, some perk requirements are displayed incorrectly,
the Cumulative version shows the correct requisites, although the amount of crafted GFCs can’t be displayed and must be determined by cross-referencing the perk requirements.
Partially drained Fusion Cores can be used in the crafting recipe, there doesn’t seem to be an attribute which contains the charge of a Fusion Core.
Because the minimum value of an item is 1, the 500+ crafted Gatling Fusion Cells are worth more than one Fusion Core.
Gatling Fusion Cells could be crafted into Fusion Cores before taking a rank of the Nuclear Physicist, and then converted back, resulting in a higher total.


These features will complete the desired functionality of my mod, and would make the crafting recipes obsolete, but will likely only be possible once the GECK releases.

Make Player put Fusion Core with the lowest charge into Power Armor by default. (When selecting “Enter”)
Make equipped Power Armor switch to FC with the lowest charge when current FC runs out.
Make FCs in the inventory automatically merge. FC with lowest charge gives charge to FC with highest charge < 100, either until lowest FC is empty, or until highest FC reaches 100 charge. This process repeats until only full FCs and optionally a partially drained one are present in inventory.


This mod is compatible with any mod that doesn’t alter the Gatling Laser Ammunition Type.

Texture mods in the pictures

Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy (Pip-Boy) UHD 4K from Gorgulla
Fusion Core Retexture from jorhadoq

Credits: Binary7
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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