Fomod Maker

Fallout 4 Mods |

Fomod Maker


Requires Microsoft Excel

Fomod Maker

What it does…
Quickly create a Fomod installer. Alpha version, uses Excel.

What’s a Fomod?
A fomod is basically an installer for mod organizers. Fomods help when installing complicated mods with lots of options. For good examples of installers see Enhanced Blood Textures and Darker Nights.

This doesn’t do anything that fancy. But it can build a basic fomod that will save you time editing later.

Who is this for?
Mod authors and regular users. This generates quick and simple installer code. There are a few mods out there that are packaged strangely. This allows users to quickly create an installer for them.

Known Issues
I only know how to program in VBA. I know it’s a stupid coding language. And it basically forced me to build this in Microsoft Excel (for now).

This is in alpha and untested. Report issues in the bug tracker. I will work on this on weekends. If you run across a mod that this does not work with, please link that mod as well. Thanks in advance!

Installation & Use
(Also see walkthrough example in download readme)
Requires Microsoft Excel
Download and unzip this Fomod Maker
Make sure FomodMaker.xlsm and the ResourceFiles folder are in the same folder
Open in Excel
Hit “Enable Content” button*
Unzip the mod you want
Click the “Start” button and complete form (point to the mod you unzipped)
DOUBLE CHECK FOMOD>MODULECONFIG.XML (you can manually edit as well)
Add the folder to an archive
Add to your mod manager
* If you are worried about security, all code is visible for review in the VB editor.

Delete the file. No special steps.

Future Plans
Create a fomod editor (now must be manually edited).
Have it unzip and zip automatically (couldn’t get it to work).
Add integrated option to correct folder structure for loose files.
Make this a standalone program in VB or C#.
Improve the UI.

Thanks XunAmarox for the excellent NMM Installer Tutorial.

Tested these mods and worked great:
Cat_kitty recolor_retextures v2.0 by wolflady500
Fallout 4 True UltraHD Project All Mods In One File v1.0 by By Me

Credits: madduma
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